Alaina’s Bonnet – Hidden Cosmetic Item

Alaina's Bonnet is a hidden cosmetic item inspired by the White Messenger Ribbon from Bloodborne.

To get it you will need an Alliance character that has not completed The Battle for Broken Shore. If you have skipped this scenario then you can talk with Archivist Elysiana in Dalaran to retake the quest.

How to get Alaina's Bonnet

I saw you leave for the Broken Shore. Please, tell me, did you see my husband?

> Do you recognize this locket?

His locket? Where did you get this?
No! I don't believe you! He can't be gone!
Cedric, oh my dear Cedric, please come back to me.
Don't leave me all alone...

Leave the house, leave the zone (Eastvale Logging Camp) and then come back to the house. In the bedroom upstairs you will find a chest. Loot it and you will get Alaina's Bonnet.

Once you have obtained Alaina's Bonnet, you can transmog it on both Horde and Alliance characters.