Artful Dodging – Hidden Rogue Transmog Set
Artful Dodging is a Hidden Transmog Set for Rogues, which can be obtained via the Class Order Hall.
This Artful Dodging transmog set consists of 6 pieces:
- Mask of Artful Dodging
- Shoulder of Artful Dodging
- Vest of Artful Dodging
- Gloves of Artful Dodging
- Boots of Artful Dodging
- Artful Britches
Shoulders, Vest and Gloves
Three pieces of this transmog can be purchased from a Vendor NPC in the Rogue Order Hall called Jenri.
The pieces that Jenri sells are:
Mask and Boots
Two pieces of this transmog can be contained in The Vault (Class Order Hall talent) which allows Rogues to select an item from the Uncrowned Vault once they find Marin Noggenfogger's Lucky Coin. This coin can be obtained through either successful Order Hall missions or Pick Pocketing.
These caches can drop:
The last item, Artful Britches still remains a mystery. As of yet, it is unknown how to obtain these leggings, although a lot of people go for the Bloodfang Pants because of their similarities. These pants drop from Ragnaros in Molten Core.