Burning Crusade Timewalking Event Guide
Burning Crusade Timewalking is a bonus World Event where players can queue for Burning Crusade timewalking dungeons and the Black Temple timewalking raid. Defeating bosses and completing instances rewards Timewarped Badges, a currency that can be exchanged for goods from Timewalking Vendors.
During the Burning Crusade Timewalking Event players gain Sign of the Twisting Nether, a buff which grants 50% bonus reputation to Burning Crusade factions.
Weekly Quests
- A Burning Path Through Time - Pick up the quest from the Adventure Journal or Archivist Frithrun in Dornogal, and defeat 5 timewalking raid bosses or dungeons to receive one piece of gear from the latest raid.
- Disturbance Detected: Black Temple - Pick up the quest from Vormu in Shattrath City, and defeat Illidan in the Black Temple to receive Cache of Timewarped Treasures, which contains one piece of gear on the Hero track.
- The Swirling Vial - Pick up the quest by looting the last boss in a timewalking dungeon, and turn it in for 500 Timewarped Badges. Repeat completions of this quest will award only 200 Timewarped Badges.
The Cache of Timewarped Treasures also has a good chance to include one of the following mounts:
- Ashes of Al'ar - Kael'thas Sunstrider (Tempest Keep)
- Reins of the Infinite Timereaver - Drops from any Timewalking Boss
Players can queue for Burning Crusade timewalking dungeons using the LFG tool. The available dungeons are:
- Magister's Terrace
- Mana-Tombs
- The Blood Furnace
- The Botanica
- The Shattered Halls
- The Underbog
Black Temple Raid
This event also includes a timewalking version of the Black Temple raid. There is no LFR option for this instance; instead, you have to queue with a raid group by speaking to Vormu in Shattrath City.
If you have the original warglaives, simply defeat Illidan in the Black Temple Timewalking Raid to unlock the Warglaives of Azzinoth legendary transmog!
The vendor for this event is Cupri. You can find her in Shattrath City.
- Reins of the Amani Hunting Bear - 5000 Badges
- Sandy Shalewing - 5000 Badges
- Reins of the Eclipse Dragonhawk - 5000 Badges
- Reins of the Infinite Timereaver - Drops from any Timewalking Boss
- Karazhan Syphoner (Karazhan Syphoner) - Purchased for 2200 Badges
- Ever-Shifting Mirror - 500 Badges
- Mark of the Ashtongue - 1250 Badges
- Verdant Throwing Sphere - 500 Badges
- Fractured Necrolyte Skull - 750 Badges
With the new Timewalking holiday update in The War Within, Cupri now offers weapon appearances, along with five transmog sets and two tabards.
Weapon Appearances
- Xu'rakas, Glaive of Command - 3000 Badges
- Auchenai Vindicator's Crystal Cleaver - 1200 Badges
- Shadowsword Vanquisher's Blade - 1500 Badges
- Amani'shi Voodoo Bow - 1800 Badges
- Blazing Skyhawk Repeater - 1800 Badges
- Sunburst Sticker - 1200 Badges
- Chilled Obsidian Dragon's Tooth - 1200 Badges
- Point of the Nether Vortex - 1200 Badges
- Sunfury Stalker's Fists - 1200 Badges
- Amani Tracker's Blunderbuss - 1800 Badges
- Hammer of the Forest Loas - 1200 Badges
- Crimson Draenethyst Crusher - 1500 Badges
- Ashtongue Guardian's Spire - 1800 Badges
- Felguard Sentinel's Polearm - 1800 Badges
- Drake's Breath Heater Shield - 1500 Badges
- Ashtongue Channeler's Staff - 1800 Badges
- Cenarion Guardian's Stave - 1800 Badges
- Crystal-Hooked Shortsword - 1200 Badges
- Corrupted Sunblade - 1200 Badges
Armor Ensembles
- Ensemble: Cenarion Mender's Battlegear - 2500 Badges
- Ensemble: Boulderfist Mystic's Battlegear - 2500 Badges
- Ensemble: Telhamat Anchorite's Raiment - 2500 Badges
- Ensemble: Auchenai Priest's Raiment - 2500 Badges
- Ensemble: Shadowmoon Warlock's Vestments - 2500 Badges
- Area 52 Tabard - 500 Badges
- Tranquillien Tabard (Horde) - Purchased for 500 Badges
Feats of Strength
To complete the achievement I'll Hold These For You Until You Get Out you have to:
- Obtain the original Warglaives of Azzinoth on a Warrior, Rogue, Death Knight, Monk or Demon Hunter.
- Equip the weapons to earn the Warglaives of Azzinoth achievement.
- Defeat Illidan in Timewalking Black Temple on any character.
This Feat of Strength will reward you with Arsenal: The Warglaives of Azzinoth, an exclusive weapon transmog for Demon Hunters.
Note that the character defeating Illidan in Timewalking Black Temple can be a different character than the one holding the original Warglaives. Both characters can also be non-Demon Hunters since the Warglaives of Azzinoth transmog will be unlocked account-wide.
Reputation Tokens
You can purchase the following reputation tokens for 50 Timewarped Badges. Each token awards 500 reputation with the appropriate faction.
- Commendation of Thrallmar (Horde) / Commendation of Honor Hold (Alliance)
- Commendation of The Consortium
- Commendation of The Sha'tar
- Commendation of the Cenarion Expedition
- Commendation of the Keepers of Time
- Commendation of Lower City
Miscellaneous Items
- Barrel of Fish - 25 Badges. Contains fish from Outland, and a low chance for cooking recipes.
- Crate of Meat - 25 Badges. Contains meat from Outland, and a low chance for cooking recipes.
- Bag of Fishing Treasures - 150 Badges. Contains fishing rewards from Outland, most notably the baby crocolisk pets Snarly's Bucket, Chuck's Bucket, Toothy's Bucket and Muckbreath's Bucket.
Heirloom Upgrades
- Ancient Heirloom Armor Casing - 750 Badges
- Ancient Heirloom Scabbard - 900 Badges
- Timeworn Heirloom Armor Casing - 1000 Badges
- Timeworn Heirloom Scabbard - 1200 Badges
- Weathered Heirloom Armor Casing - 1000 Badges
- Weathered Heirloom Scabbard - 1200 Badges
- Battle-Hardened Heirloom Armor Casing - 1000 Badges
- Battle-Hardened Heirloom Scabbard - 1200 Badges
- Eternal Heirloom Armor Casing - 1000 Badges
- Eternal Heirloom Scabbard - 1200 Badges
- Awakened Heirloom Armor Casing - 1000 Badges
- Awakened Heirloom Scabbard - 1200 Badges