Guest Relations World Event Guide
Guest Relations is a world event in which players solve guest mysteries and recover stolen celebration goods to earn exclusive rewards. These include the prestigious Detective title, new transmog appearances, and the secret mount Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle.
Guest Relations Rewards
- Azeroth's Greatest Detective - Complete two of the following achievements.
- Title Reward: Detective
- I Saved the Party and All I Got Was This Lousy Hat - Complete the Guest Relations storyline.
- Transmog Reward: High-Alert Thinking Cap and Bright Ideas Thinking Cap
- Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager - Complete all of the hidden Guest Relations local stories.
- Transmog Reward: Tricked-Out Thinking Cap
- Crate Insurance Agent - Find and return 6 Celebration Crates.
- No Crate Left Behind - Find and return all Celebration Crates.
- Ratts' Revenge - Uncover Ratts' story and take back her stolen prize.
- Mount Reward: Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle
Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle
To begin the secret hunt for Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle, you must first complete the achievement Azeroth's Greatest Detective, which requires completing 2 of the 4 achievements listed below.
Note that the Guest Relations storyline and local stories are available only during Warcraft's yearly anniversary celebration, while the Celebration Crates can be found and returned all year round!
- I Saved the Party and All I Got Was This Lousy Hat - Complete the Guest Relations storyline.
- Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager - Complete all of the hidden Guest Relations local stories.
- Crate Insurance Agent - Find and return 6 Celebration Crates.
- No Crate Left Behind - Find and return all Celebration Crates.
Introduction Questline
The Guest Relations world event kicks off with an introduction questline starting from Alyx at the Celebration Pavilion. In this questline, players relearn the basics of secret-solving by using the three toy items from the Secrets of Azeroth World Event.
Quest: Lost and Busy
Find Maru near Leeroy's Chicken.
Quest: Tat Big Meanie
Use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to search for clues near the outhouses in the area. Interact with the following objects or npcs to progress the quest.
/way #71 62.0 51.5 Historic Tales (on the tent pole)
/way #71 62.1 51.8 Red Hair (on the ground)
/way #71 64.0 51.7 Ratts (vulpera npc)
/way #71 63.7 48.0 Strange Torch (on the ground)
Quest: To da Ruins!
Meet Maru and Enzo outside the Ruins of Uldum.
Quest: Da Stick of Revealing
Follow Maru, then use the Torch of Pyrreth (extra action button) on the brazier outside the Ruins of Uldum.
/way #71 37.3 78.9 Brazier
Quest: Tweasure Hunt
Use the Torch of Pyrreth to search for treasure around the ruins of Tanaris.
/way #71 42.2 72.0 Tanaris Sandworm
/way #71 40.8 70.5 Jeweled Eye (statue's left eye)
/way #71 45.0 64.6 Half-Buried Chest
/way #71 52.2 45.3 Ancient Statue
Quest: Thoughtful Pursuits
Escort Maru through Benetauk's puzzle by going to the locations listed below.
Note: This quest teaches players how to use the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap by tracking coordinates from their location.
/way #71 64.2 50.1 Crystal Ocular Lenses
/way #71 63.5 48.5 Thought Calculating Apparatus
/way #71 61.5 49.9 Downy Helmet Liner
Quest: A Whiff of Help
Purchase and use a Spiritual Incense from Benatauk, then speak with Maru to complete the quest.
Cryptic Puzzles
After completing the introductory questline, speak with Alyx to request cryptic puzzles to solve.
Guest Relations Storyline
Complete the Guest Relations storyline to get the achievement I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats, which awards the transmog appearances: High-Alert Thinking Cap and Bright Ideas Thinking Cap.
Chapter 1
Take the quest The Great Detective from Alyx, then speak with Detective Athelton Jones to continue the questline. He will give you a followup quest in which you have to investigate Herrkrop's disappearance by questioning witnesses.
Quest: The "Great" Detective
Speak with members of Team Solid in this order: Ellanoir, Duryllin, Juddson Rakes, and then speak again with Ellanoir. Once you have 48% quest progress, you can proceed to the next step.
/way #71 63.8 51.1 Team Solid
This step is optional; however, it gives more background to this mystery. Inspecting the Abandoned Beach Chair at Southbreak Shore reveals Herrkrop's note: "Sun's better on the other side."
/way #71 66.0 59.5 Abandoned Beach Chair
Head north to Wavestrider Beach and use Torch of Pyrreth to light up the dirt mound. Doing so will reveal Herrkrop's corpse.
/way #71 66.2 40.5 Wavestrider Beach
Question Scrapes, Nat Pagle and Julia Henning to reach 96% quest progress, then return to Athelton Jones and accuse Scrapes. Unfortunately, the suspect escapes, so report your findings to Alyx to complete the quest.
Speak with Alyx to start Tracking Quest, then take the Pre-Calibrated Goblin Transport Vessel to Borean Tundra.
/way #71 68.0 40.8 Pre-Calibrated Goblin Transport Vessel
Quest: The Trail's Gone Cold
Turn in the quest to Rexxar and pick up the next one. Head to the Fishing Hut marked on the map, which is the last known location of Scrapes. Use the Torch of Pyrreth and interact with the three notes on the ground.
/way #114 77.3 46.2 Rexxar
/way #114 85.9 34.0 Torn Note 1 - inside the hut
/way #114 85.8 33.9 Torn Note 2 - outside the hut
/way #114 88.1 34.6 Torn Note 3 - near a bush
The clues from the Torn Diary lead us to the Glimmering Pillar in Sholazar Basin. Summon Rexxar by using the Spirit's Whistle (quest item) and click the Mounted Spyglass.
/way #119 49.7 36.0 Mounted Spyglass
Head to Balargarde Fortress in Icecrown, find Scrapes' corpse and interact with it. Summon Rexxar by using the Spirit's Whistle (quest item), inform him that Scrapes was killed by a shapeshifter, then turn in the quest to Alyx.
/way #118 16.0 58.8 Scrapes
Pick up the next quest Warn the Detective from Alyx and warn Detective Athelton Jones about the shapeshifter. Unfortunately, it looks like the shapeshifter has already taken on the detective's form.
Quest: Spot the Difference
For the next quest you'll need to interrogate suspects and witnesses in order to identify the real detective and the shapeshifter. You can speak with the two "detectives", Leeroy Junkins, Addie Fizzlebog, and Hemet Nesingwary Sr. to gather information, or just skip this part and accuse either of the two detectives of being the shapeshifter.
/way #71 63.3 52.2 Leeroy Junkins
/way #71 63.4 51.6 Addie Fizzlebog
/way #71 62.5 51.9 Hemet Nesingwary Sr.
The shapeshifter will reveal himself as Y'lliya Xennin and run away. Follow the trail of hoofprints on the ground until you find the satyr, then defeat him to complete the quest!
/way #71 60.0 62.5 Y'lliya Xennin
Chapter 2
Take the quest Toy Trouble from Alyx, then speak with Maru to start the next one.
Quest: Operation Toy Rescue
Optional: Meet Yennu in Iskaara on the Dragon Isles, then use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to find the Missing Page on a cart at Dragonscale Basecamp in the Waking Shores.
/way #2024 13.4 48.9 Yennu
/way #2022 47.0 83.5 Missing Page
Required: Use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to find Yennu's Ball Toy in Ohn'ahran Plains, then return the toy ball to Yennu in Iskaara.
/way #2023 62.0 37.5 Yennu's Toy Ball
/way #2024 13.4 48.9 Yennu
Horde players will then head over to Dazar'alor in order to find and return the Plush Toy to Nuts.
/way #1165 56.4 21.2 Plush Toy - up on the tree
/way #1165 56.2 31.7 Nuts
Alliance players will instead head over to Boralus in order to find and return the Ball of Yarn to Kenshi.
/way #1161 42.1 75.1 Ball of Yarn - near the tree fence
/way #1161 53.9 72.9 Kenshi
Take the quest The Final Toy from Alyx, then talk to Maru to start the final quest to uncover the culprit.
Quest: The Toy Thief
- Speak with Maru and select "I think the culprit is a dog."
- Loot the Chew Toy found at Ohn'ahra's Roost.
- Place the Chew Toy inside the Toy Box and hide inside the nearby bush.
- Follow the Bakar Pup into the cave and loot Maru's Toy.
- Return to Maru in Tanaris to complete the quest.
/way #2023 57.8 31.7 Chew Toy
/way #2023 39.6 58.3 Toy Box and Bush
/way #2023 38.8 56.0 Maru's Toy
Chapter 3
Take the quest A Pirate Predicament from Alyx, then speak with Bonenose to start Pirate Foods and Superstitions.
- Travel to Booty Bay to search for clues about Cooktholomew.
- Optional: Speak with Innkeeper Skindle and Kelsey Yance to gather clues.
- Talk to Mrs. Gant, then loot the nearby barrel for cooking notes.
- Find Scowling Rosa and ask her to decipher the notes.
- Scowling Rosa is patrolling around the area; use /target to locate her.
/way #71 60.9 44.8 Bonenose
/way #210 40.8 73.8 Innkeeper Skindle
/way #210 42.8 69.0 Kelsey Yance
/way #210 42.7 72.7 Mrs. Gant (on the bottom floor)
/way #210 39.4 67.2 Scowling Rosa
/way #210 42.1 69.2 Scowling Rosa
/way #210 43.2 70.9 Scowling Rosa
/way #210 41.1 73.3 Scowling Rosa
Optional: Return to Alyx in Tanaris and take the breadcrumb quest A Pirate Missive, then speak with Scowling Rosa in Booty Bay.
Quest: Pirate Gastronomy
Obtain the following items:
- 2x Swiftthistle
- 2x Witchberries
- 1x Small Flame Sac
- 2x Aromatic Fish Oil
- 5x Bloodfin Catfish
- 4x Deviate Fish
- 2x Nettlefish
- 3x Furious Crawdad
Return to Bonenose in Tanaris and tell him that you have all the ingredients for the boonful banquet. However, he'll reveal that a secret ingredient is still missing. Head to Hrothgar's Landing in Northrend and loot the Cold Storage for the secret ingredient "Deep Sea Monsterbelly".
/way #71 60.9 44.8 Bonenose
/way #170 55.5 10.6 Ice Block
Chapter 4
Take the quest Secret in the Sands from Alyx, then speak with Maru to start Buried Tweasure.
- Enter the Ruins of Uldum and loot the Ancient Treasure Note at the back of the room.
- Optionally, interact with two Ancient Toys nearby for additional clues.
/way #71 37.7 79.7 Ruins of Uldum Entrance
/way #71 37.6 84.1 Ancient Treasure Note #1
/way #71 37.3 82.9 Ancient Toy
/way #71 37.4 82.8 Ancient Toy
- Use the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap with the coordinates (70, 132) to find Note #2.
- Head outside the Zul'Farrak dungeon and use Torch of Pyrreth to reveal Note #3.
- Speak with Yennu in Gadgetzan to complete the quest, then return to Maru at the Anniversary Celebration area.
/way #71 47.5 56.5 Ancient Treasure Note #2
/way #71 38.8 22.1 Ancient Treasure Note #3
/way #71 52.7 26.9 Yennu
Take the quest Festive Reflections from Alyx, then speak with Detective Jones to start A Surprising Investigation.
- Speak with the five imposters to send them to Chromie.
/way #71 61.6 51.0 Lorewalker Cho
/way #71 61.9 49.9 Maru
/way #71 63.0 49.2 Reshad
/way #71 63.0 49.8 Big Kinook
/way #71 63.8 51.8 Jepetto Joybuzz
- Return to Detective Jones, who will task you with distributing letters to visitors in the celebration area.
- Next, pick up the "lucky feast" order for the detective from Bonenose at the pirate camp.
- Finally, speak with Detective Jones at the Wavestrider Beach to reveal the surprise beach party!
/way #71 61.0 50.7 Detective Jones
/way #71 60.9 44.8 Bonenose
/way #71 65.8 41.8 Wavestrider Beach
Guest Relations Local Stories
Complete the Guest Relations local stories to get the achievement Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager, which awards the transmog appearance: Tricked-Out Thinking Cap.
The Case of Misfortune
Loot the Darkmoon Fortune Card behind Alyx, then talk with her to learn that a guest might be missing their Darkmoon cards. Find Alphonse Constant near the storyteller stage and start the quest Deck Dismay.
Use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to find the missing Darkmoon Fortune Cards. If you can't find a specific card, use the coordinates and notes listed below.
/way #71 63.8 51.9 Five of Fire - between the barrels
/way #71 64.0 51.5 Two of Fire - under the bench
/way #71 63.6 51.0 Three of Frost - on the stairs
/way #71 63.3 52.2 Six of Fire - at the base of the stall pole
/way #71 61.9 51.6 Eight of Fire - behind the ice cream vendor
/way #71 61.2 50.9 Four of Earth - near Dolly and Dot
/way #71 62.1 49.3 Three of Fire - behind the outhouse
/way #71 63.2 49.4 Two of Air - on the Fashion Frenzy stage
/way #71 63.4 49.0 Seven of Fire - below the Fashion Frenzy stage, near the Black Market Guard
/way #71 63.0 50.2 Six of Frost - on the ground behind Alyx (in case you haven't looted it at the start)
The Case of a Good Book
Take the quest Torn Dreams from Alyx and seek out Raenie Fizzlebog outside the Caverns of Time.
/way #71 63.1 51.9 Raenie Fizzlebog
To complete Restoring A Grand Tale you can purchase Green Hills of Stranglethorn for 100 gold from Cravitz Lorent.
/way #71 63.6 48.8 Cravitz Lorent - under the Fashion Frenzy stage
The Loud and Smelly Case
Take the quest A Hozen On My Back from Alyx, then speak with Riko to start The Case of the Fur-Getting Wikket.
- Speak with Riko and Shademaster Kiryn to find out what kind of pet they would like.
- Go over to Breanni at the pet shop nearby and select "Raccoon".
- Speak with Sully McLeary near the Dark Iron Mole Machine.
- Head over to Serpent's Overlook in the Jade Forest.
- Use the Torch of Pyrreth to light up the grave.
- Follow Gizmo slowly, as he is easily startled by sudden movement, and catch him once you're close enough.
- Bring the raccoon to Riko to complete the quest, then check the mailbox after 5 minutes to obtain Gizmo the Pure as a battle pet.
/way #71 62.3 49.9 Breanni
/way #71 63.0 49.4 Sully McLeary
/way #371 43.3 68.8 Grave - Serpent's Overlook
The Case of Missing Mementos
Take the quest Lost and... Found? from Alyx, collect the items from the Lost & Found chest, then return them to their correct owners.
- Mankrik - Crude Ivory Locket
- Marin Noggenfogger - Potion Bottle
- John J. Keeshan - Jade Amulet
- Oglethorpe Obnoticus - Tiny Mechanical Mouse
- Farmer Yoon - Well-Worn Almanac
Some of the NPCs are patrolling around the Anniversary Celebration area; therefore, use the following /target macro to find them.
/target Mankrik
/target Marin Noggenfogger
/target John J. Keeshan
/target Oglethorpe Obnoticus
/target Farmer Yoon
The Case of an Old Soul
Take the quest Nola's Last Wish from Alyx, then speak with Lashk near the storyteller stage to find out what upsets him.
- Head to Tortaka Refuge in Vol'dun and use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to find Nola's Last Wish.
- Using the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap with the coordinates (-132, -429) leads you to the Tortollan Wedding off the coast of Zuldazar.
- Use Nola's Last Wish at the wedding, then speak with Scrollsage Nola and tell her that Lashk sent you.
/way #864 64.0 26.0 Nola's Last Wish
/way #862 24.4 44.4 Tortollan Wedding
The Case of Great Aspirations
Take the quest A Legacy of Destruction from Alyx, then speak with Voidfire to start From Ashes to Wisdom.
To complete this quest, you have to show Voidfire the destruction of Deathwing in Burning Steppes, Badlands, Twilight Highlands, and Vashj'ir. Once you reach each location (in the order listed), use the quest item to summon Voidfire and speak with him.
/way #36 61.3 30.2 Burning Steppes (1)
/way #15 31.3 48.8 Badlands (2)
/way #241 38.5 49.0 Twilight Highlands (3)
/way #205 39.0 67.2 Vashj'ir (4)
The Case of a Feathered Friend
Take the quest A Bird's Tale from Alyx, then speak with Reshad near the storyteller stage to start A Bird's Tail.
Head to Draenor and loot the feathers in the following order:
/way #542 45.8 53.6 Burnt Feather (1)
/way #535 29.6 29.5 Plucked Feather (2)
/way #550 83.8 19.4 Frozen Feather (3)
/way #525 42.1 67.4 Normal Feather (4)
The Case of Pet Games
Take the quest Pet Pursuit from Alyx, then speak with Jepetto Joybuzz near the pet playground to start Battle Pet Bingo.
Based on the clues from the riddles, travel to Pandaria to find the battle pets. The Jumping Spider can be found in the Jade Forest, and the Summit Kid can be found in Kun-Lai Summit.
November 18 note: Alliance players might be phased, wait for a hotfix or complete the local questline.
/way #371 64.0 80.8 Jumping Spider
/way #379 44.4 52.5 Summit Kid
The Case of Staged Disaster
Take the quest Not Ready on Set from Alyx, then speak with Dapperdew in Ardenweald to start The Show Must Go On.
Find the following items scattered around the Amphitheater and return them to Dapperdew.
/way #1565 42.2 46.7 Prop Sword
/way #1565 43.3 46.4 Conductor's Baton
/way #1565 41.2 43.8 Mask of the Trickster
/way #1565 41.3 42.8 Play Script
Celebration Crates
To complete the achievement No Crate Left Behind, players have to find celebration crates by solving various riddles and return them to Alyx in Dornogal. During Warcraft's yearly anniversary celebration, Alyx relocates to the Celebration Pavilion in Tanaris.
/way #2339 50.4 38.6 Alyx (Dornogal)
/way #71 63.0 50.2 Alyx (Tanaris)
Progress Macro
/run for i,q in ipairs({85574,83794,84624,84470,83931,84426,84767,85523,84773,84625,84909}) do print(string.format("Crate %d: %s", i, C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q) and "\124cFF00FF00Done\124r" or "\124cFFFF0000Not Done\124r")) end
Celebration Crate 1: Hazy
The location of the first crate has been hinted at in the WoW 20th Anniversary Celebration blue post. With the release of the celebration event, Blizzard replaced the Guest Relations image that featured Alyx with an image from Desolace!
Important: You must be dead to see and loot the Hazy Celebration Crate!
/way #66 54.1 58.1 Hazy Celebration Crate
A second Hazy Celebration Crate can be found on top of an altar in Nagrand (Outland). Please note that this crate can only be obtained on a different character, since it shares the same quest ID with the Desolace crate.
- Head west of Oshu'gun in Nagrand (Outland) and locate the altar at the coordinates listed below.
- Fly up into the air and dismount, then release spirit and walk back to the altar as a ghost.
- Walk up the Mountain Hill (south of Forge Camp: Fear) and find the Curios Haze at the top.
- Click on the Curios Haze to get launched into the air, then glide forward towards the altar.
/way #107 20.9 59.4 Altar
/way #107 21.7 55.6 Mountain Hill
/way #107 21.1 57.2 Curios Haze
Celebration Crate 2: Soggy
Take the Damp Ransom Note from the Bulletin Board, then read it to get a hint of the crate's location.
Go to the Dive Bar in Zuldazar and purchase a Clam Digger from Nikto.
/way #862 54.3 54.6 Nikto
Use the Clam Digger near Gerald, who is perched on a cliff above the bar. Once you have used the beverage, Gerald will reveal the Soggy Celebration Crate. Loot the crate and return it to Alyx to receive Bronze Celebration Tokens!
Celebration Crate 3: Sandy
Take the Sandy Ransom Note from the Bulletin Board and then head to Thousand Needles. Enter the underwater cave and loot the Water-Resistant Receipt of Sale found behind the pipe.
/way #64 66.4 86.2 Underwater Cave Entrance
/way #64 64.9 84.4 Water-Resistant Receipt of Sale
After that, travel to Azsuna in the Broken Isles and purchase the Sandy Celebration Crate from Vashti the Wandering Merchant. Vashti patrols the eastern part of Azsuna, moving between the Ley-Ruins of Zarkhenar and The Ruined Sanctum.
/way #630 66.0 22.2 Vashti the Wandering Merchant
/way #630 63.6 27.8 Vashti the Wandering Merchant
/way #630 65.2 36.4 Vashti the Wandering Merchant
/way #630 66.6 43.0 Vashti the Wandering Merchant
/way #630 65.8 48.2 Vashti the Wandering Merchant
Celebration Crate 4: Dirt-Caked
Take the Dirt-Caked Ransom Note from the Bulletin Board, then head to Deadwind Pass. Follow the directions below or follow along with the video, and loot the Dirt-Caked Celebration Crate in Karazhan Crypts.
/way #42 39.8 73.5 Forgotten Crypt
- Turn right in the first tunnel, then turn left to descend deeper into the crypt.
- Continue forward until you reach the water, then swim across to reach the other side.
- Locate the Dirt-Caked Celebration Crate at the back of the room and loot it.
Celebration Crate 5: Battered
The Battered Celebration Crate can be found in Howling Fjord.
/way #117 29.4 6.4 Battered Celebration Crate
This crate was discovered by looting two scraps of paper and following the coordinates with the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap.
/way #71 63.3 49.5 Torn Note 1 - under the Fashion Frenzy stage, behind Madam Gosu
/way #71 61.3 50.9 Torn Note 2 - under Meerah's caravan
Celebration Crate 6: Waterlogged
Take the Sun-Baked Ransom Note from the Bulletin Board, then head east to the South Seas. Dive into the water at the coordinates listed below, enter the building on the right, and you'll find the Waterlogged Celebration Crate on the upper level.
/way #71 69.2 68.6 Waterlogged Celebration Crate
Celebration Crate 7: Charred
Take the Burnt Ransom Note from the Bulletin Board, then head to Mount Hyjal. The Charred Celebration Crate can be found at the base of the trampoline in the Whistling Grove.
Note: The Burnt Ransom Note references the quest The Bears Up There, in which players have to save Hyjal Bear Cubs from the tree by throwing them to the trampoline. While you're in the area, you may also want to complete the achievement Bounce.
/way #198 13.6 33.5 Charred Celebration Crate
Celebration Crate 8: Mildewed
Take the Mildewed Ransom Note from the Bulletin Board, then head to Ashenvale. Locate the Potion of Truth at the top of the volcano near Lord Magmathar and drink it. After that, mount up and fly to Feralas to find the Mildewed Celebration Crate.
/way #63 47.9 38.4 Potion of Truth
/way #69 60.4 35.4 Mildewed Celebration Crate
Celebration Crate 9: Crystallized
Take the Shiny Ransom Note from the Bulletin Board, then head to Nagrand (Outland). Enter Oshu'gun, make your way to the central chamber, and loot the Crystallized Celebration Crate.
/way #107 35.8 67.6 Oshu'gun Entrance
/way #107 35.3 74.7 Crystallized Celebration Crate
Celebration Crate 10: Pristine
Take the Surprisingly Pristine Ransom Note from the Bulletin Board, then head to the cave south of Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom. Locate Andrestrasz and summon any dog pet (such as Tobias or Perky Pug) to uncover the Mysterious Bones behind the dragon.
Note: Use the following TomTom commands while in Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom.
/way 42.0 93.0 Cave Entrance
/way 44.5 90.1 Mysterious Bones
Loot the Mysterious Bones and bury them at the Unmarked Grave in Stormheim to receive the Surprisingly Pristine Celebration Crate.
/way #634 37.4 47.6 Unmarked Grave
Celebration Crate 11: Ghostly
Take the Ghostly Ransom Note from the Bulletin Board, then head to the Seat of the Primus in Maldraxxus. The Ghostly Celebration Crate can be found on the upper level of the Necrolord Covenant Sanctum.
/way #1536 50.0 73.8 Ghostly Celebration Crate