Hidden Transmog in World of Warcraft – Collection Guide

This guide documents Hidden Transmog in World of Warcraft, and as such, it acts as a reference hub for items and transmog sets that don't show up in the Appearances Tab until collected.

Please note that this page only highlights popular items or items discovered through completing different type of secrets. For a full list of transmog, you can try out the addons All The Things or Better Wardrobe and Transmog.



Alara'shinu is a secret Demon Hunter warglaive introduced in Patch 10.2 Guardians of the Dream. This fel-infused weapon enhances the Demon Hunter's movement abilities by leaving a trail of flowers behind, symbolizing the intricate balance between chaos and life.

In the following guide, we'll take you step-by-step through the secret questline to obtain Alara'shinu.


Sorrowbane is an epic Two-Hand Sword that has a 20% chance to execute non-elite enemies below 20% health. Since this item is hidden in the appearance tab and requires puzzle solving, we have also added it to our Secrets Database.

Upon looting Sorrowbane in the Theater of Pain Arena in Maldraxxus, you will also earn the achievement Harvester of Sorrow and receive the battle pet Oonar's Arm.

Scythe of the Unmaker

  • The blue Scythe of the Unmaker drops from Argus the Unmaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne, on any difficulty.
  • The red Scythe of the Unmaker drops only on Mythic difficulty.
  • The weapons cannot be bonus rolled.
  • This item can be obtained by Death Knights, Druids, Hunters, Monks, Paladins and Warriors.
  • With the new transmog changes in The War Within, this item can now be obtained by all classes.


  • Taeshalach drops from Aggramar in Antorus, the Burning Throne, on any difficulty.
  • The weapon cannot be bonus rolled.
  • This item can be obtained by Death Knights, Hunters, Paladins and Warriors.
  • With the new transmog changes in The War Within, this item can now be obtained by all classes.

Hammer of Vigilance

  • Hammer of Vigilance drops from Maiden of Vigilance in Tomb of Sargeras on any difficulty.
  • The weapon cannot be bonus rolled.
  • This item can be obtained by Death Knights, Druids, Monks, Paladins, Priests, Rogues, Shamans and Warriors.
  • With the new transmog changes in The War Within, this item can now be obtained by all classes.

Legion Assault Weapons

These weapons drop from the final bosses of legion assaults.

Weapon Arsenals

Armaments of the Ebon Blade

Arsenal: Armaments of the Ebon Blade can purchased by Death Knights from Warmage Kath'leen at coordinates 44.4 62 in the Broken Shore.

/way Broken Shore 44.4 62 Warmage Kath'leen

Armaments of the Silver Hand

Arsenal: Armaments of the Silver Hand can purchased by Paladins from Warmage Kath'leen at coordinates 44.4 62 in the Broken Shore.

/way Broken Shore 44.4 62 Warmage Kath'leen

The Warglaives of Azzinoth

Arsenal: The Warglaives of Azzinoth is an exclusive weapon transmog for Demon Hunters that you get by completing the achievement I'll Hold These For You Until You Get Out in Timewalking Black Temple. The requirement for this achievement is to complete another Feat of Strength, Warglaives of Azzinoth, and then defeat Illidan in Timewalking Black Temple.

Both Feats of Strengths are account-wide, which means that the character defeating Illidan in Timewalking Black Temple can be a different character than the one holding the original Warglaives. Both characters can also be non-Demon Hunters as you will still get the Warglaives of Azzinoth transmog unlocked account-wide.


Other Hidden Collectibles

Waist of Time
Blackened Defias Armor
Dark Ranger's Hood
Scarlet Crusade Hidden Transmog
Artful Dodging Transmog Set
Alaina's Bonnet
Kor'kron Dark Shaman Armor

Armor Ensembles

Vestments of the Tidesages

  • Ensemble: Vestments of the Tidesages drops from the Tidesage Council (Galecaller Faye and Brother Ironhull) and Lord Stormsong in the Shrine of the Storms dungeon on Mythic difficulty.
  • This item can be obtained by Mages, Priests and Warlocks.

Darkmoon Faire Replica Armor

While the Darkmoon Faire is open, you can purchase replica armor of the original vanilla dungeon sets from Barum and Baruma.

Dungeon Set 1 will show up in Appearances Transmog Sets once unlocked, however Dungeon Set 2 will only show up on the class from the table below. You can still transmog items from Dungeon Set 2 on other classes, but you will have to search for the items individually in the transmog window.

Note that these transmog sets are not class specific, therefore Death Knights, Demon Hunters and Monks can also unlock them.



Dungeon Set 1

Dungeon Set 2



Wildheart Raiment

Feralheart Raiment



Beaststalker Armor

Beastmaster Armor



Magister's Regalia

Sorcerer's Regalia



Lightforge Armor

Soulforge Armor



Vestments of the Devout

Vestments of the Virtuous



Shadowcraft Armor

Darkmantle Armor



The Elements

The Five Thunders



Dreadmist Raiment

Deathmist Raiment



Battlegear of Valor

Battlegear of Heroism

Ensemble: Chosen Dead

The Chosen Dead transmog sets from Trial of Valor are hidden by default, but once learned they will show up in the appearances tab.

Here's how to get the ensembles:

  • Raid Finder - Random drop from Odyn, Guarm and Helya when defeated on any difficulty.
  • Normal - Obtained by completing the Trial of Valor: The Lost Army quest, which you can pick up from Odyn once you defeat him in the Trial of Valor. Note that this quest will only reward you with the Ensemble that corresponds to your armor type.
  • Heroic - Guaranteed drop from Helya when defeated on Heroic or Mythic difficulty.
  • Mythic - No longer obtainable. Prior to Battle for Azeroth it was obtained as a reward for completing The Chosen achievement. You can get some of the appearances by looting gear from the bosses, however the shoulders and the helmets are unobtainable.

Vestments of the Eternal Traveler

Ensemble: Vestments of the Eternal Traveler is the reward from completing the quest The Eternal Traveler.

To start the quest you have to mount up the Ensorcelled Everwyrm, click on the Guiding Orb to summon Xolartios the Eternal Traveler and then speak with him.

Heritage Armor Sets

These heritage transmog sets are hidden and do not show up in the Appearances Tab until learned. There are also no related achievements for unlocking them, therefore we have added these heritage transmog sets to our Secrets Database.

For more Heritage Armor Sets also check Allied Races.

Heritage of the Forsaken
Heritage of the Kaldorei
Heritage of Draenor
Lion's Heritage
Heritage of Kezan
Heritage of Gilneas
Heritage of the Shu'halo
Heritage of Gnomeregan
Heritage of the Sin'dorei
Heritage of the Bronzebeard

Trading Post

Renowned Explorer's Attire was the previous reward from the Recruit A Friend system, received after recruiting friends for a total of 12 months. In the future, it will be available for purchase on the Trading Post.

Blizzard Shop

The following transmog sets are available on the Blizzard Shop:


Wendigo Woolies was the reward for purchasing the BlizzCon 2019 Virtual Ticket.

Rare Items

The following items aren't hidden in your appearance collection, but they deserve a special mention since they are very rare and sought after.

The First Satyr's Spaulders

  • The First Satyr's Spaulders drop from Xavius in The Emerald Nightmare on Heroic and Mythic difficulties.
  • They can be bonus rolled using a Seal of Broken Fate.
  • The First Satyr's Spaulders can also drop by using the Relinquished Spaulders.
  • Rarely you may also see them available for purchase on the Black Market Auction House.
  • This item can be obtained by Demon Hunters, Druids, Monks and Rogues.

Tusks of Mannoroth

  • Tusks of Mannoroth drop from Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic and Mythic difficulties.
  • They can be bonus rolled using a Warforged Seal.
  • Tusks of Mannoroth can also be purchased from the Black Market Auction House.
  • This item can be obtained by Death Knights, Paladins and Warriors.