Lunar Festival World Event Guide (January 28 – February 11)
The Lunar Festival World Event is a Lunar New Year-inspired holiday in World of Warcraft. It is themed around the honoring of the Elders, lighting lanterns and shooting fireworks.
Lunar Festival 2025 Holiday Updates
Lunar Festival 2025 brings one new mount and one new achievement:
- Lunar Launcher - Purchased for 75 Coins of Ancestry
- Elders of Khaz Algar - Honor the Elders and Archivists which are located in Khaz Algar.
/way #2248 40.9 87.3 Archivist Rubbleglint
/way #2248 48.6 14.0 Archivist Coppermoss
/way #2214 48.9 67.3 Archivist Farolt
/way #2214 67.3 53.0 Archivist Silsigra
/way #2215 25.9 51.9 Elder Knythall
/way #2215 66.3 46.3 Elder Swornvow
/way #2255 66.9 85.6 Elder Ikk'zivan
/way #2255 46.8 57.2 Elder Ikk'xataz
Lunar Festival Event Overview

Every year, the druids of Moonglade celebrate their city’s great triumph over an ancient evil. During the Lunar Festival, citizens of Azeroth have the opportunity to honor their elders by celebrating their sage wisdom, sharing in magnificent feasts…and, of course, lighting fireworks.
The celebration has begun in Moonglade, and your Lunar Festival Invitation is waiting. Join in the fun by dressing up in your Lunar Festival finery, launching fireworks, and paying homage to the Elders throughout Azeroth.
When: January 28 - February 11
Where: Moonglade, with camps in Ironforge, Stormwind, Darnassus, Thunder Bluff, Orgrimmar, Dragon Isles zones, Khaz Algar zones, and the Undercity
Currency: Coin of Ancestry
Coin of Ancestry Vendors
Valadar Starsong and Fariel Starsong are the Coin of Ancestry vendors and can be found in Moonglade.
/way #80 53.6 35.3 Valadar Starsong
/way #80 53.8 35.3 Fariel Starsong
Collecting Coins of Ancestry
To get Coins of Ancestry you will have to honor Elders across Azeroth. For this activity we recommend using Candy Buckets, an addon which adds waypoints on your map for every Elder that you haven't honored yet.

The Lunar Festival is a time of celebration for the peoples of Azeroth. At the beginning of each year, elders of generations past manifest around the world to impart their wisdom upon all who listen. Should you encounter these venerable spirits in your travels and take the time to heed their words, they may even pass along tokens of their gratitude—Coins of Ancestry, the lessons of a past age in physical form. Gather enough Coins of Ancestry and the Cenarion Circle will open their stores of celebratory garb, fireworks, trinkets, and recipes!
The Cenarion Circle has good cause to celebrate, for the Lunar Festival marks the return of many Ancients that fell in battles past: Goldrinn, Malorne, Aviana, and Cenarius himself. But this celebration is darkened by the eternal torment of one of their own—Omen, a wolf Ancient blessed by the moon goddess Elune, has risen from the depths of Moonglade’s lake. Though Omen was once as noble and proud as any Ancient, he was driven mad by the Burning Legion’s tainted magics during the War of the Ancients. Omen’s immortality means that he is forever cursed to return in his maddened state at the advent of each new year—and this year, he has grown further in power. Heroes level 20 and above must make haste to ease this tormented Ancient’s suffering, in the hopes that perhaps next year he will return with a clearer mind.
Seasonal Boss: Omen Returns!
The great wolf Omen was once a hero of this world. An embodiment of strength and fortune, Omen fought beside the heroes of the War of the Ancients until he succumbed to demonic magics. Turning against his allies, he raged across Azeroth, leaving death and terror in his wake. Omen was finally defeated in Moonglade, and he now sleeps among the silt of Lake Elune'ara. But each year, at the beginning of the festival, he stirs...
Main Quest Line
The celebration begins with an introductory quest, The Lunar Festival. The Cenarion Circle has invited all denizens of Azeroth to take part in the celebration of the Lunar Festival. You can learn more about the event by meeting with the Lunar Festival Harbinger.
It wouldn’t be a celebration without fireworks. You’ll be asked to buy some Lunar Fireworks and Cluster Fireworks to launch and complete the quest Lunar Fireworks.
Once you’ve proven your pyrotechnic prowess, you’ll receive your Lunar Festival Invitation to travel to Moonglade and speak with Valadar Starsong in Nighthaven. With your invitation in hand, you’ll be able to travel quickly to Moonglade by standing within Greater Moonlight throughout the holiday.
Drakewatcher Manuscript
- Winding Slitherdrake: Lunar Festival Armor - Purchased for 50,000 gold from Valadar Starsong or Fariel Starsong in Moonglade.
- Lunar Launcher - Purchased for 75 Coins of Ancestry
- Lunar Lantern - Purchased for 50 Coins of Ancestry
- Festival Lantern - Purchased for 50 Coins of Ancestry
- Elune's Lantern - Reward from the event quest Elune's Blessing
- Lunar Elder's Hearthstone - Purchased for 30 Coins of Ancestry
- Everlasting Horde Firework & Everlasting Alliance Firework - Purchased for 25 Coins of Ancestry
Note: Buying one faction's firework will add both versions to the toybox. No need to buy both of them. - Red Dragon Head Costume, Red Dragon Body Costume & Red Dragon Tail Costume - Purchased for 60 Coins of Ancestry
- Green Dragon Head Costume, Green Dragon Body Costume & Green Dragon Tail Costume - Purchased for 60 Coins of Ancestry
- Blue Dragon Head Costume, Blue Dragon Body Costume & Blue Dragon Tail Costume - Purchased for 60 Coins of Ancestry
- Festive Green Dress, Festive Pink Dress & Festive Purple Dress - Purchased for 5 Coins of Ancestry each
- Festive Black Pant Suit, Festive Blue Pant Suit & Festive Teal Pant Suit - Purchased for 5 Coins of Ancestry each
- Crown of Good Fortune, Crown of Dark Blossoms, Crown of Prosperity & Crown of Courage - Purchased for 25 Coins of Ancestry each
Note: If you have these flower crowns and complete the quest Lunar Preservation from Myrael Lunarbloom, then you can take new quests from her to unlock the transmog all year round!
Patterns, Schematics & Recipes
The following patterns, schematics and recipes can be purchased for 5 Coins of Ancestry:
- Patterns: Pattern: Festival Dress & Pattern: Festival Suit
- Schematics: Schematic: Cluster Launcher, Schematic: Firework Launcher, Schematic: Alliance Firework, Schematic: Horde Firework & Schematic: Snake Firework
- Recipes: Cluster Rocket Recipes, Large Cluster Rocket Recipes, Small Rocket Recipes & Large Rocket Recipes
Heirloom Upgrades
- Ancient Heirloom Armor Casing - Purchased for 40 Coins of Ancestry
- Timeworn Heirloom Armor Casing - Purchased for 75 Coins of Ancestry
- Weathered Heirloom Armor Casing - Purchased for 75 Coins of Ancestry
- Battle-Hardened Heirloom Armor Casing - Purchased for 75 Coins of Ancestry
- Eternal Heirloom Armor Casing - Purchased for 75 Coins of Ancestry
- Awakened Heirloom Armor Casing - Purchased for 75 Coins of Ancestry
To Honor One's Elders is the meta achievement for the Lunar Festival World Event. To complete this achievement, you will have to fly all over Azeroth to honor the Elders and collect Coins of Ancestry, dress in fancy clothes, and shoot fireworks.
- 50 Coins of Ancestry
- Elune's Blessing
- Lunar Festival Finery
- Frenzied Firecracker
- The Rocket's Red Glare
- Elders
- 50 Coins of Ancestry - Receive 50 Coins of Ancestry.
To complete the coins achievements we recommend Candy Buckets. This addon adds waypoints to your map for every Elder that you haven't honored yet.
- Elune's Blessing - Complete the Elune's Blessing quest by defeating Omen.
You have to complete the quest Elune's Blessing in Moonglade by standing in the moonlight after defeating Omen, a raid boss that you can summon near the lake Elune'ara. The quest giver is Valadar Starsong.
- Lunar Festival Finery - Purchase a festive pant suit or festive dress with Coins of Ancestry.
You can purchase the items required from Valadar Starsong.
- Frenzied Firecracker - Shoot off 10 Festival Firecrackers in 30 seconds or less.
Use 10 Festival Firecracker in 30 seconds. Drag them to the action bar for easier usage, since you can press the key and click to throw them faster.
- The Rocket's Red Glare - Shoot off 10 Red Rocket Clusters in 25 seconds or less.
Use 10 Red Rocket Cluster in 30 seconds. As with the previous one, the action bar (even if you don't need to target the floor this time) helps a lot. Make sure to stand near a firework launcher.
- Elders of Kalimdor
- Elders of Eastern Kingdoms
- Elders of the Dungeons
- Elders of Northrend
- Elders of Cataclysm
- Elders of the Horde
- Elders of the Alliance
- Elders of the Dragon Isles
- Elders of Khaz Algar
To complete the achievements that require you to honor the Elders throughout Azeroth we recommend using Candy Buckets. This addon adds waypoints to your map for every Elder that you haven't honored yet.