Mag’har Orcs Allied Race Guide

Mag'har Orcs Allied Race is one of the five Allied Races available to the Horde in Battle for Azeroth, the other four being Highmountain Tauren, Nightborne, Vulpera and Zandalari Trolls.

In this Allied Race guide we are going to have a look at the unlock requirements, rewards, class options, racial spells and more!

How to unlock Mag'har Orcs

To unlock the Mag'har Orcs Allied Race you have to reach Level 40 with any character on your account.

After you've done that, the Recruitment Scenario for the Mag'har Orcs becomes available in the Orgrimmar Embassy.


Upon completing the Recruitment Scenario you will receive the Mag'har Direwolf mount.

Heritage Armor

Once you've created your first Mag'har Orc character you will receive the Tabard of the Mag'har Clans.

If you level a Mag'har Orc to level 50, you will be rewarded with the Heritage of the Mag'har achievement, which in turn awards a Heritage Armor cosmetic transmog set. However, it's notable to mention that there are three separate Heritage Armor sets for Mag'har Orcs that represent their respective clans: Warsong, Blackrock and Frostwolf.

Racial Spells


Mag'har Orcs can be the following classes:

  • Death Knight
  • Hunters
  • Mages
  • Monks
  • Priests
  • Rogues
  • Shamans
  • Warlock
  • Warriors


For untold generations, the orc clans of Draenor battled one another in endless war. But when Gul'dan offered them the blood of his demonic masters, the disparate tribes of Mag'har—the orcish word for "uncorrupted"—refused the dark bargain and banded together to drive out the Burning Legion. United under the leadership of Grommash Hellscream, the Mag'har pledged to one day repay Azeroth's heroes for aiding their cause. As war against the Alliance intensifies, the Horde must call upon the might of the Mag'har to seize victory.

You can learn more about the Mag'har Orcs in Blizzard's previous released videos:

Jokes and Flirts

Allied Races Overview

Want to learn more about every Allied Race? Check our guides below or Blizzard's Preview of the Allied Races.