Monk Hidden Artifacts Appearances and Effects

This article will cover how to get the Hidden Artifact Appearances for Monks as well as elaborate what their hidden effects are.

Brewmaster Monk

Brewmaster Monk Hidden Artifact Appearance for Fu Zan, the Wanderer's Companion is called "Ancient Brewkeeper" and is unlocked via Legend of the Monkey King.

Hidden Artifact Appearance

  • Tapping the Bubbling Keg from Brewhouse has a change to drop the appearance.

Hidden Artifact Effect

Fu Zan, the Wanderer's Companion Hidden Effect:

  • Unique idle animation. - To be confirmed

Mistweaver Monk

Mistweaver Monk Hidden Artifact Appearance for Sheilun, Staff of the Mists is called "Breath of the Undying Serpent" and is unlocked via Breath of the Undying Serpent.

Hidden Artifact Appearance

Breath of the Undying Serpent drops from the Dragons of Nightmare in The Emerald Nightmare.

Hidden Artifact Effect

Sheilun, Staff of the Mists Hidden Effect:

  • Sometimes you will shoot red mist into the enemy when healing. - To be confirmed

Windwalker Monk

Windwalker Monk Hidden Artifact Appearance for Fists of the Heavens is called "Stormfist" and is unlocked via The Stormfist.

Hidden Artifact Appearance

The Stormfist has a chance to drop from the Withered Army Training scenario from Suramar. It is speculated that you need to finish the scenario with at least 400 points in order to have a chance for the appearance to drop.

Hidden Artifact Effect

Fists of the Heavens Hidden Effects:

  • Lightning Burst - The gust of wind from your landing hits nearby enemies and knocks them back.
  • NPCs will comment on your weapon:

Garhal the Scalekeeper says: Look here, Brulf. This one has the fury of twin storms in (his/her) hands. Ha-hah, fight on little (race)!