Seasonal Rewards in World of Warcraft – Time Limited Collectibles Guide

This guide highlights the seasonal rewards available in World of Warcraft, acting as a reference hub for time-limited collectibles that players can obtain during each season.


  • Nemesis - Defeat Zekvir in his lair before the release of the next season of delves.
  • Hunting the Hunter - Defeat Zekvir in his lair on Tier ?? before the release of the next season of delves.
  • Let Me Solo Him - Defeat Zekvir in his lair on Tier ?? without any other players in your party, before the release of the next season of delves.

Nerub-ar Palace Raid

Turbulent Timeways

The Turbulent Timeways event has returned for 7 weeks, running from January 7th to February 25th. Completing the achievement Master of the Turbulent Timeways II awards the Timely Buzzbee mount!


Plunderstorm has returned for 6 weeks, running from January 14th to February 25th. The event comes with new achievements and Plunderstore, a shop where players can exchange Plunder for new and returning collectibles.

Highlighted collectibles:

Mythic+ Dungeons

The following achievement and mount will become unobtainable until Season 3 or later in the expansion:

  • Algari Dungeoneer - The achievement requires players to complete all Khaz Algar dungeons as a Tank, Healer, and Damage Dealer. Due to the seasonal dungeon rotation, it's recommended to complete the 4 available dungeons now, as the achievement may become unobtainable until Season 3 or later in the expansion.
  • Stonevault Mechsuit - Players interested in obtaining the mount should focus on farming it in +2 or +3 keys, where it has a higher drop rate compared to Mythic difficulty.

Mythic+ Score

Achievement Reward

The War Within Keystone Explorer: Season One

The War Within Keystone Conqueror: Season One

Title: The Tempered

The War Within Keystone Master: Season One

Mount: Diamond Mechsuit

The War Within Keystone Hero: Season One

Tempered Hero: The War Within Season 1

Title: Tempered Hero

Keystone Hero

Completing the dungeons listed below at Mythic level 10 or higher, within the time limit, will earn their Keystone Hero achievements and unlock a dungeon teleport to their entrance.

Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
City of Threads
The Dawnbreaker
The Stonevault
Mists of Tirna Scithe
The Necrotic Wake
Siege of Boralus
Grim Batol

Player vs Player

Rated PvP

Achievement Reward

Combatant I: The War Within Season 1 (Reach 1000 Rating)

Transmog: Cloak

Combatant II: The War Within Season 1 (Reach 1200 Rating)

Transmog: Legs & Bracers

Challenger I: The War Within Season 1 (Reach 1400 Rating)

Transmog: Gloves & Boots

Challenger II: The War Within Season 1 (Reach 1600 Rating)

Transmog: Chest & Belt

Rival I: The War Within Season 1 (Reach 1800 Rating)

Transmog: Helm & Shoulder

Rival II: The War Within Season 1 (Reach 1950 Rating)

Weapon Illusion: Holy Fire

Duelist: The War Within Season 1 (Reach 2100 Rating)

Transmog: Forged Gladiator's Prestigious Cloak

Elite: The War Within Season 1 (Reach 2400 Rating)

Transmog: Forged Gladiator's Tabard

Forged Weapons of Conquest (Earn 2500 Conquest)

Item: Forged Gladiator's Weapon Token (x2)

Forged Combatant / Forged Combatant

Mounts: Vicious Skyflayer & Vicious Skyflayer

3v3 Arena

Achievement Reward

Gladiator: The War Within Season 1

Mount: Forged Gladiator's Fel Bat

Forged Gladiator: The War Within Season 1

Character Title: Forged Gladiator

Solo Shuffle

Achievement Reward

Legend: The War Within Season 1

Toy: Forged Legend's Pennant

Forged Legend: The War Within Season 1

Character Title: Forged Legend

Battle Mender: The War Within Season 1

Seasonal Title: Battle Mender

Battleground Blitz

Achievement Reward

Strategist: The War Within Season 1

Toy: Forged Legend's Pennant

Forged Warlord: The War Within Season 1 (Horde)

Character Title: Forged Warlord

Forged Marshal: The War Within Season 1 (Alliance)

Character Title: Forged Marshal

Rated Battlegrounds

Achievement Reward

Hero of the Horde: Forged

Hero of the Alliance: Forged

The War Within Medic

The following achievements and rewards are obtainable throughout the expansion.

Achievement Reward

Solo Shuffle Medic: The War Within

Toy: Unbound Legend's Pennant

Battleground Blitz Medic: The War Within

Toy: Unbound Strategist's Pennant

The War Within Season 1

Achievement Reward

The War Within Season 1: Spelunker Supreme

Item: Mark of the Spelunker Supreme

Harbinger of the Weathered

Character Unlock: Trade Weathered for Carved Harbinger Crests

Harbinger of the Carved

Character Unlock: Trade Carved for Runed Harbinger Crests

Harbinger of the Runed

Character Unlock: Trade Runed for Gilded Harbinger Crests

Harbinger of the Gilded