Shaman Hidden Artifacts Appearances and Effects
This article will cover how to get the Hidden Artifact Appearances for Shamans as well as elaborate what their hidden effects are.
Enhancement Shaman
Enhancement Shaman Hidden Artifact Appearance for Doomhammer is called "Zandalar Champion" and is unlocked via The Warmace of Shirvallah.
Hidden Artifact Appearance
The Warmace of Shirvallah has a chance to drop from the Broken Isles World Bosses Flotsam and Levantus, and Helya in Trial of Valor.
Hidden Artifact Effect
Doomhammer Hidden Effect: Unknown
- Guards in Orgrimmar and Stormwind will sometimes ask you if that's indeed the Doomhammer.
Is that the Doomhammer, %s? Is Thrall alive?
Hail Farseer %s, chosen keeper of the Doomhammer!
The Doomhammer suits you, %s. Keep it well.
The Doomhammer is here! Keep the city safe, %s.
%s wields the Doomhammer now - I can think of none better.
So it is true - %s wields the Doomhammer!
Restoration Shaman
Restoration Shaman Hidden Artifact Appearance for Sharas'dal, Scepter of Tides is called "Serpent's Coil" and is unlocked via Coil of the Drowned Queen.
Hidden Artifact Appearance
Coil of the Drowned Queen has a chance to drop from mobs and bosses in Eye of Azshara.
Hidden Artifact Effect
Sharas'dal, Scepter of Tides Hidden Effect: Minding the Tides
- While wielding Sharas'dal, in a restive state, a shaman can feel the ebb and flow of the world's tides. One feels the give and take of oceans and rain with each passing breath.
Hidden Voice Line
Queen Azshara whispers: Is that Sharas'dal you hold? Impudent mortal! You dare to wield my own scepter against me?!
Elemental Shaman
Elemental Shaman Hidden Artifact Appearance for The Fist of Ra-den is called "Prestige of the Amani" and is unlocked via Lost Codex of the Amani.
Hidden Artifact Appearance
Lost Codex of the Amani has a chance to drop from chests and elite mobs in The Underbelly.
Hidden Artifact Effect
The Fist of Ra-den Hidden Effect:
- Certain air and water elementals in Stormheim become friendly. - To be confirmed
Shaman Encounters
1. Interacting with "Restless Earth" or "Tormented Earth" Elementals will spawn a Raging Earth, Darkfiend Tormentor or Vrykul Earthmaiden Spirit which you will have to defeat.
/way Azsuna 52.6, 13.6 Restless Earth
/way Azsuna 44.2, 37.0 Restless Earth
/way Val'sharah 45.1, 55.8 Restless Earth
/way Val'sharah 58.4. 73.5 Tormented Earth
/way Highmountain 47.0, 33.0 Restless Earth
/way Highmountain 55.3, 61.8 Tormented Earth
/way Stormheim 65.2, 40.3 Tormented Earth
/way Stormheim 53.6, 60.7 Tormented Earth
Pacified Earth says: Thank you, shaman. Without you, this world would succumb to chaos.
2. Speaking to a Troubled Air Spirit will spawn whirlwinds in a circle. These will go straight through the center of the circle and you'll have to dodge them. If you fail, the Air Elemental will attack you, and if you want to try again then you will have to wait a few minutes.
/way Azsuna 38.6, 25.4 Spirit
/way Highmountain 29.4, 62.8 Spirit
/way Stormheim 61.6, 27.2 Spirit
/way Val'sharah 31.2, 61.2 Spirit
Troubled Air Spirit says: Shaman, you braved the tempest with a peaceful mind. Your focus inspires me. Go now, with my blessings upon you.
3. Hydrannon tasks you with gathering 10 water bubbles and bringing them back to him. Use Water Walking and make sure to avoid the sharks that swim nearby or else you will lose all the progress.
/way Stormheim 63.9, 32.67 Hydrannon
Hydrannon says: Thank you shaman! I feel my strength returning. Go with my blessing upon your weapon, and preserve the dignity of Azeroth's elements!