Underlight Angler – Secret Fishing Artifact
The Underlight Angler is a Secret Fishing Artifact introduced in the Legion expansion. Apart from regular fishing poles which also increase the fishing skill slightly, it gives you the ability to walk on water, turn into a fish and swim faster when underwater, reduced aggro radius when fishing, teleport to nearby fishing pools and fish a whole school of fish in just one cast. Overall it is a fisherman's dream come true.
In this guide we'll go over how to get the Underlight Angler, how to catch fish for the Bigger Fish to Fry achievement, how to complete the Luminous Pearl questline, and how to get the Underlight Emerald which unlocks two alternate colors for this fishing artifact.
How to get the Underlight Angler
To get the Underlight Angler Secret Fishing Artifact you will have to meet a few requirements:
- Reach level 45
- Level your Legion Fishing profession skill to 100
- Obtain the Bigger Fish to Fry achievement
- Complete the Luminous Pearl questline
Bigger Fish to Fry
All the baits required to fish the special types of fish can also be bought and sold on the Auction House. Another way to speed up the process is to get a few Arcane Lure, these are also available at the Auction House, but you can get them from Conjurer Margoss for 1 Drowned Mana each.
Fish up until you get Skrog Toenail. After two minutes a murloc will spawn, slay it and loot the Aromatic Murloc Slime. Use the slime and you'll be able to fish Leyshimmer Blenny.
Fish up until you receive a Pearlescent Conch. After applying it you have 2 minutes to fish Nar'thalas Hermit.
Fish up until you receive Rusty Queenfish Brooch. After using it you will see schools of Ghostly Queenfish appear all around Aszuna. It's recommended to look for them in the lake around the Nar'thalas Academy. Fish in a Ghostly Queenfish school to get Ghostly Queenfish.
Fish up until you get Swollen Murloc Egg. A baby murloc will spawn that will give you the ability to catch Mountain Puffer for 2 minutes.
Fish up until you get Frost Worm and after using it you will have 2 minutes to catch Coldriver Carp.
Fish up until you get a Funky Sea Snail. After 2 minutes pass, a drogbar will spawn and attack you. After you defeat the drogbar, loot and use the Salmon Lure which will give you a 2 minute buff to catch an Ancient Highmountain Salmon.
Fish up until you get a Ancient Vrykul Ring. After use, you will be able to see Oodelfjlisken schools, that have a guaranteed change to give you Oodelfjisk. The area between Talonrest and Skold-Ashil holds many of these schools. Water walking is a plus.
Fish up until you get a Soggy Drakescale, and upon using it you have 2 minutes to catch Graybelly Lobster.
Fish up until you get Moosehorn Hook. After use you have 2 minutes to fish another bait Silverscale Minnow, which after use will enable you to catch Thundering Stormray.
Fish up until you get Enchanted Lure. After using it you have 2 minutes to catch Magic-Eater Frog.
Fish up until you get Sleeping Murloc. After using it a murloc will spawn that will attempt to run from you. In the process he drops fish left and right, which you can loot by just running over them. Some of them will be Seerspine Puffer, amongst other common fish.
Fish up until you get Demonic Detritus. After using it you have 2 minutes to catch Tainted Runescale Koi.
In order to fish in the coastal waters, make sure that you are in "The Great Sea".
Fish up until you get Message in a Beer Bottle. Open it and loot Axefish Lure. Use the bait and catch an Axefish within 2 minutes.
Fish up until you get a Stunned, Angry Shark. You have 1 minute to use the item and a shark will spawn. Kill it then loot the Seabottom Squid.
Fish up until you get Decayed Whale Blubber. Use it and a Ravenous Fly will come buzzing at the blubber. Clicking the fly will award the bait Ravenous Fly. After using it you have 2 minutes to catch Ancient Black Barracuda.
Fish up until you get Nightmare Nightcrawler. After using it you have 2 minutes to catch Terrorfin.
Fish up until you get Drowned Thistleleaf. After using it you get a 5 minute buff which allows you to catch Thorned Flounder.
Fish up until you get Rotten Fishbone. After using it, a druid will appear and grant a 2 minutes buff needed to catch Ancient Mossgill.
Luminous Pearl
Once you have obtained the Bigger Fish to Fry achievement and are maxed out (100) in Legion Fishing, you can start the Luminous Pearl questline that awards the Underlight Angler.
- Start fishing in any schools of fish for a high chance to get the Luminous Pearl.
- Click it to start the quest Luminous Pearl, which you will deliver to Khadgar at the fountain in Dalaran.
- The followup quest is The Dalaran Fountain, you are sent to talk to Marcia Chase and after delivering it a giant pearl will appear in the fountain (the pearl is used to upgrade and change the appearance of the artifact).
- Nat Pagle will show up (relog if he doesn't) and offer Fish Frenzy which will port you in a scenario taking place on an island off the coast of Val'sharah that is overflowing with angry murlocs.
- In the scenario you will have to clear the island of murlocs, fish up 15 Gloaming Frenzy, and defeat the murloc boss Mglrrp.
Once the scenario is completed, turn the quest in to Marcia Chase and you will get the Underlight Angler Fishing Artifact.
Underlight Emerald
You can unlock two alternate colors for the Underlight Angler by using the Underlight Emerald, which you get by completing the Fisherfriend of the Isles achievement.
To become Best Friends with the Fishing Masters you will have to turn in coins that you can fish only when one of those Fishing Masters is active. The daily rotation for the NPCs is: