Hallow’s End 2024
Hallow's End has returned for two weeks, running from October 25 through November 8!
Hallow's End 2024 Holiday Update
Hallow's End 2024 brings one new achievement and several new transmog appearances:
- Tricks and Treats of Khaz Algar - Visit the Candy Buckets in the Khaz Algar zones.
- Ensemble: Patched Harvest Golem - Drops from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin.
- Patched Harvest Golem's Post - Purchased for 100 Tricky Treats.
- Patched Harvester's Claw - Purchased for 100 Tricky Treats.
- Ensemble: Prowler's Faded Headgear - Purchased for 150 Tricky Treats.
- Prowler's Faded Shoulder Cape - Purchased for 50 Tricky Treats.
Hallow's End 2023 Holiday Updates
- The Headless Horseman encounter has been redesigned, featuring new challenges, abilities, achievements, as well as a special hard mode!
- Players can active the Wicker Curses to improves the first chance of the day to receive The Horseman's Reins
- New rewards and achievements:
- Windborne Velocidrake: Hallow's End Armor - Drops from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin.
- Arfus - Drops from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin. Learning Arfus unlocks the achievement The Lick King.
- Bucket of Morbid Treats - Purchased from the Hallow's End vendors Chub and Dorothy for 150 Tricky Treats.
- Tricks and Treats of the Dragon Isles - Visit the Candy Buckets in the Dragon Isles zones.
- Kickin' With the Wick - Defeat the Headless Horseman while cursed by all four wicker men.
- The Scarlet Key - Grants access to the Scarlet Monastery of Old.
Hallow's End World Event Guide
Check our guide to learn more about this world event and how to get all the Hallow's End mounts, pets, toys, transmog, achievements and more!