Patch 10.2.5 Seeds of Renewal – Blizzard’s Official Preview

Blizzard has posted a preview of the new content coming in Patch 10.2.5 Seeds of Renewal, which will go live January 16th in North America and January 17th in Europe.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)

Discover the buried history of Azeroth and the Dragon Isles through the Azerothian Archives Public Event, explore Bel'ameth—a burgeoning new zone offering hope to the kaldorei, take dragonriding to the skies of old-world continents, storm dragonflight dungeons alongside NPC companions, complete new campaign chapters in the continuation of the Dragon Isle epilogues, and more!

Seeds of Renewal Zone Overview: Discover Bel'ameth

Discover Bel'ameth, the arms of the Goddess, a much-needed place for the kaldorei to seek repose and solace. This new night elf settlement lies adjacent to the Ohn'ahran Plains in the Dragon Isles. It rests beneath the new World Tree, Amirdrassil's boughs. Learn More

Dig Into the Dragon Isles with the Azerothian Archives

Dig into the history of the Dragon Isles and meet a unique cast of characters, hear stories of old, and witness the iconography of a time before. Participate in Solo and Group activities within Traitor's Rest with an hourly Public Event, plenty of opportunity to explore, and earn cosmetic rewards like Battle Pets, Mounts, and a Transmog set. Learn More

Gilneas Reclamation

King Greymane, the Old Wolf, is ready to retake his kingdom, but Gilneas isn't as empty as expected. Help reclaim what was lost and return the kingdom to Gilnean hands. To begin this storyline, speak to Genn Greymane in Stormwind or Calia Menethil in Silverpine Forest.

Follower Dungeons

Tank, heal, and DPS alongside follower NPC companions that join you on your Dungeon adventures. They will be available in all eight Normal difficulty Dragonflight Dungeons—queue solo or partner up with a friend or two. These companions will allow players to learn about Dragonflight dungeons at their own pace. Learn More

New Character Customizations

Trolls, Draenei, Warlock Tyrant, and Darkglare demons get a glow-up in the Seeds of Renewal content update—get creative with your characters! Trolls, it's time to hit the salon and change things up with five new hair colors. Unique customization for Draenei, Warlock Tyrant, and Darkglare demons are incoming, along with customization achievements. Learn More

Dragonriding Available Worldwide

The skies of Azeroth and beyond can be yours while adventuring. In Seeds of Renewal, Dragonriding will be expanded to all old-world continents wherever flying is available.

Uncover the buried history of Azeroth, soar the skies, and discover more adventure in Seeds of Renewal. We’ll see you in the Dragon Isles, Azeroth, and wherever your journeys take you!