There Are No “Beta Keys” for WoW Classic
WoW Classic Beta starts today! There will be no Beta Keys for this test session, and to get in you will have to opt in to "World of Warcraft Classic" on the Beta Profile Settings page in your account.

With the first WoW Classic Beta Test getting underway imminently, it’s a good time to remind all testers and potential testers that there are no such things at ‘Beta Keys’ for WoW Classic, and there is no way to transfer access to the WoW Classic Beta Test.
To become a tester for the WoW Classic Beta: browse to the Beta Profile Settings page, find and select ‘World of Warcraft Classic’ under ‘Beta Tests I’m Interested In’, and then click the ‘Update Preferences’ button. An automated system will add new testers to the WoW Classic Beta Test as necessary.
Any third party e-mail messages, websites, or in-game whispers that offer beta keys or access to the WoW Classic Beta should be considered illegitimate and ignored or reported. Please see our Phishing Scams support article for more details on dealing with such messages.
As always, Blizzard Customer Service cannot assist with beta access.