What to do before The War Within Expansion Launch

With WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria ending soon and the launch of The War Within expansion set for August 26, we've compiled a list of time-limited collectibles that collectors might be interested in.

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

The following achievements and their associated rewards will become unobtainable when WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria officially ends on August 20.

Achievement Description Reward

Time Trial

Reach level 20 with a Timerunner.

Mount: August Phoenix

Theramore's Fall

Assisted in the covert assault of Theramore Isle and the rescue of Thalen Songweaver.

Toy: Mini Mana Bomb

Theramore's Fall

Protected Jaina as she recovered the Focusing Iris from the Horde-ravaged ruins of Theramore.

Tabard: Theramore Tabard

The Jade Forest

Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.

Toy: Cherry Blossom Trail

Valley of the Four Winds

Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.

Appearance: Halfhill Farmer's Backpack

Krasarang Wilds

Complete one of the following achievements with a Timerunner.

Appearance: Chen Stormstout's Keg

Kun-Lai Summit

Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.

Appearance: Chen Stormstout's Bamboo Hat & Chen Stormstout's Bamboo Hat

Townlong Steppes

Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.

Pet: Muskpaw Calf

Dread Wastes

Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.

Illusion: Sha Corruption

Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.

Mount: Astral Emperor's Serpent

Isle of Thunder

Complete one of the following achievements with a Timerunner.

Appearance: Class Arsenal

Timeless Isle

Complete one of the following achievements with a Timerunner.

Pet: Astral Emperor's Serpentling


Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.

Appearance: Class Ensemble


Reach level 70 with a Timerunner.

Title: Timerunner & Item: Timerunner's Idol

Infinite Power XII

Gather 4200 Threads for the Cloak of Infinite Potential.

Toys: August Celestial Wings: Essence of Yu'lon, Fortitude of Niuzao, Fury of Xuen & Kindness of Chi-ji

Heroic: Pandaria Raids

Complete all of the Pandaria Raids on Heroic difficulty.

Title: Claw of Eternus

Mythic Remix: Siege of Orgrimmar

Defeat the following enemies in the Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty with a Timerunner during Mists of Pandaria: Remix.

Title: Paragon of the Mists

Besides these achievement rewards, there are a bunch of time-limited mounts and transmog sets that can be purchased from the Infinite Bazaar vendors. To track these collectibles you can open the MoP Remix Checklist Spreadsheet, then click on "File" and "Make a copy" to get your own list!

Mythic+ Season 4

Awakened Raids

Radiant Echoes Event

Feat of Strength

  • This Takes Me Back - Defeat each of the remembered bosses during The War Within pre-launch events.



Heirloom Ring

Transmog Sets

Black Market Auction House

The following cosmetic items are available for purchase until the end of August 2024. After that, the items will no longer be available for direct purchase from Ms. Xiulan, and instead will sometimes appear on the Black Market Auction House. The starting bid will probably stay the same; however, the price can increase if multiple players decide to bid on the same collectible.