World of Warcraft News and Development Updates
Blizzard has posted their latest news and development updates for Shadowlands and WoW Classic.

The new year has begun and with it a new slate of updates and developments for Shadowlands and WoW Classic. Burning Crusade Classic will soon see a new update including the introduction of Black Temple and Mount Hyjal to the raiding scene.
Shadowlands: Eternity’s End content updates continue to be tested on the PTR, making way for the introduction of a whole new land to explore—Zereth Mortis—and a brand-new raid dungeon—Sepulcher of the First Ones.
Shadowlands News and Development
Eternity’s End PTR Updates
Development continues on the next content update for Shadowlands: Eternity’s End, where players will be able to step into a new land—Zereth Mortis— and face Zovaal, the elusive Jailer and ruler of the Maw in Shadowlands.
Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid Testing Continues
Raid testing continues in the Sepulcher of the First Ones with testing on Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle, Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener, and Artificer Xy’Mox on Mythic Difficulty. Players have also been able to test the first wing of Raid Finder difficulty.
Shards of Domination to be Disabled in Select Content
With the release of the next content update, Shards of Domination will be disabled in Zereth Mortis, the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid dungeon, in all PvP, and in dungeons. Shards of Domination will still work as before in previous Shadowland zones, the Maw, the Sanctum of Domination raid, and Torghast.
Tazavesh, the Veiled Market Dungeon Testing
This eight boss mega-dungeon is currently in testing on the PTR and will be available as two dungeon experiences with the release of the content update in Heroic and Mythic difficulties—Tazavesh, the Veiled Market: Streets of Wonder and Tazavesh, the Veiled Market: So’leah’s Gambit. Players will also be able to engage in this content as Mythic+ dungeons.
Class Set Design Updates for Demon Hunter, Warlock
Additional updates to the upcoming class sets in Eternity’s end continue to be discussed with a focus currently on the latest changes to Demon Hunter and Warlock class sets.
Players are invited to talk with developers about all of the new class sets in dedicated threads here.
See the latest PTR note updates and join in the discussion of all things Eternity’s End on the forums
WoW Classic News and Development
Burning Crusade Classic Phase 3 Release Schedule
The next content update for Burning Crusade Classic, The Black Temple, will be available on the week of January 17. The following week, on January 27, both raid instances (The Battle for Mount Hyjal and Black Temple), as well as a new daily quest hub, will be available worldwide. Check out the full announcement to learn more.
Burning Crusade Classic Patch 2.5.3 PTR Live
Players can now get a first look at the development of Black Temple and Mount Hyjal and the upcoming changes to this additional content.
Update on the WoW Community Council
With the start of the new year, we wanted to provide an update on the WoW Community Council and the progress we are working toward as we continue to review the over ten thousand applications we’ve received. We are working hard to give all applicants fair consideration as we determine the next wave of invites. Updates specific to this will be shared once things are finalized.
The team has hit the ground running in 2022 with the Eternity’s End PTR. The WoW Community Council’s impact can already be seen as they have helped push along some new conversations on the PTR forums by asking how Shards of Domination will change with the patch along with pushing to know more about the tentative raid testing schedule for the Sepulcher of the First Ones. Additional topics are actively being discussed and posts will be made accordingly whenever details are finalized.
The current activity and releases in WoW Classic have led to a few updates there as well:
- Discussions on the difficulty of the Black Temple/Mount Hyjal raids
- Changes to the Gnomish Battle Chicken trinket
We are closely watching what the council members are most actively discussing and there will be more updates to come. We thank you for your patience in the meantime.
Learn more about the latest hotfixes which address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, Burning Crusade Classic, and WoW Classic. Some of these hotfixes take effect the moment they are implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list is updated as additional hotfixes are applied. Check back often for updates.
World of Warcraft Esports
Setting our Sights on 2022 for the 15th Anniversary of WoW Esports!
With 2022 starting up, it’s time to make some plans for the new year. The WoW® Esports team is happy to share some of our exciting 2022 plans for Arena World Championship, Mythic Dungeon International, and Classic Arena Tournament! Learn more in our latest news article.
World of Warcraft Student Art Contest 2021
Time is running out to submit your entry to the 2021 World of Warcraft Student Art Contest. Share with us your creative vision of something we’ve never seen before that still fits within the World of Warcraft universe. You can view previous winning submissions here.
Online submission forms are available on our contests page as of October 15 and entries will be received up to 11:59 PM PST January 31, 2022. Learn more in our post.
Currently in Shadowlands
- Shadowlands Dungeon Event
- PvP Brawl: Arathi Blizzard
Next Week in Shadowlands
- Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking
- PvP Brawl: Gravity Lapse
- Call of the Scarab Micro-Holiday
Wherever your adventure takes you, we'll see you in Azeroth.