Hallow’s End World Event Guide (October 25 – November 8)
Hallow's End World Event is a Halloween-inspired holiday in World of Warcraft. It is themed around collecting candies at inns around the world, dressing up as scary monsters, and fighting the evil Headless Horseman that wants to terrify and burn your town.
Hallow's End 2024 Holiday Update
Hallow's End 2024 brings one new achievement and several new transmog appearances:
- Tricks and Treats of Khaz Algar - Visit the Candy Buckets in the Khaz Algar zones.
- Ensemble: Patched Harvest Golem - Drops from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin.
- Patched Harvest Golem's Post - Purchased for 100 Tricky Treats.
- Patched Harvester's Claw - Purchased for 100 Tricky Treats.
- Ensemble: Prowler's Faded Headgear - Purchased for 150 Tricky Treats.
- Prowler's Faded Shoulder Cape - Purchased for 50 Tricky Treats.
Event Overview
Tricky Treats
Tricky Treat is the currency for this holiday. You can get them by completing daily quests and defeating the Headless Horseman.
Apart from that, you can get hundreds of treats by looting Candy Buckets from inns all around Azeroth. For this we recommend the addon Candy Buckets, whichs allows you to see which Candy Buckets you haven't picked up yet, with markers on the map, and compatibility with TomTom for waypoints.
Wickerman's Buffs
During Hallow's End you can a 10% experience and reputation buff by clicking on the Wickerman's Ashes or Bonfire outside Undercity or Stormwind: Grim Visage / Unburdened. This buff is great if you want to level characters or grind reputations.
Headless Horseman
During the holiday, you can queue and complete the Headless Horseman encounter every day for a Loot-Filled Pumpkin.
This daily reward can contain a wide variety of the items, some of which can also be purchased with Tricky Treats. For new players, it's a smart choice to hold off on buying some of the goodies until the last few days of the event, on the off-chance that you get some of them from the pumpkin first.
Shade of the Horseman Event
During the event Orphan Matrons will ask your help in protecting a low level zone: Razor Hill, Falconwing Square or Brill for Horde and Goldshire, Kharanos or Azure Watch for Alliance. The related quest is called Fire Training / Fire Brigade Practice and you will have to throw water buckets to extinguish 5 fires.
Shortly after doing so the Shade of the Horseman will appear. Defeat him, pick up the quest Smash the Pumpkin / Smash the Pumpkin and deliver it to the Orphan Matron. As a reward you will get a Crudely Wrapped Gift which can contain several items: Weighted Jack-o'-Lantern, Handful of Treats, Magic Broom and Folded Letter.
Blue Post

Hallow’s End celebrates the break of the Forsaken from the Scourge. Fun and mischief reign as the Innkeepers of Azeroth dole out treats and tricks for those seeking to partake in the festivities.
When: October 25 – November 8
Where: Trick-or-Treat throughout the Inns of Azeroth, Northrend, Pandaria, Outland, Draenor, the Broken Isles (Dalaran), the Dragon Isles, and Khaz Algar for tasty treats and currency to buy Hallow’s End goodies.
Drakewatcher Manuscript
- Windborne Velocidrake: Hallow's End Armor - Drops from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin. Only the first attempt per day on your Battle.net account will be eligible for the item drop. The chance for the item to drop will increase daily with each failed attempt.
Updated Loot System

We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single Battle.net account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single Battle.net account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continues to accumulate for each failed attempt. This change will allow players to spend less time working to earn a specific dropped item while providing an increasing opportunity to get that item during the holiday.
- The Horseman's Reins - Drops from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin. Activating the Wicker Curses improves the first chance of the day to receive the mount.
- Magic Broom - This item can be purchased from Chub and Dorothy for 150 Tricky Treats. It can also drop from both the Loot-Filled Pumpkin and the Loot-Stuffed Pumpkin.
Note: While not technically a mount because you can't learn it, the Magic Broom has the same functionality. It will also disappear once the event is over.
- Creepy Crate - Teaches Creepy Crate. This pet is the final reward of a quest chain that starts with Missing Heirlooms (Horde) or Missing Heirlooms (Alliance).
- Arfus - Teaches Arfus. Drops from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin. Learning Arfus unlocks the achievement The Lick King.
The following pets can be purchased from Woim or Pippi for 150 Tricky Treats:
- Cursed Birman - Teaches Cursed Birman
- Feline Familiar - Teaches Feline Familiar
- Sinister Squashling - Teaches Sinister Squashling (this pet often drops from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin)
- Widget the Departed - Teaches Widget the Departed
- Naxxy - Teaches Naxxy
These pets can be captured through pet battling in your Draenor Garrison after using the Creepy Crawlers decoration:
You can also buy a few costumes for your Perky Pug from Woim or Pippi:
- "Mad Alchemist" Costume - Purchased for 5 Tricky Treats. Puts some Mad Alchemist goggles on your pug.
- "Lil' Starlet" Costume - Purchased for 5 Tricky Treats. Puts some cool sunglasses on your pug.
- "Yipp-Saron" Costume - Purchased for 150 Tricky Treats. Turns your pug's head into a C'thun-like eye, and sprouts a tentacle on its back.
There is also a Hallow's End-specific pet treat you can buy from Woim or Pippi:
- Ominous Pet Treat - Purchased for 5 Tricky Treats. Gives your pet an purple void-ish effect.
- Coin of Many Faces - This item is a rare drop from NPCs found only during Hallow's End in the Isle of Shadows, a small island near the south-western coast of Shadowmoon Valley in Draenor. It can also be purchased and sold in the Auction House.
- Sack of Spectral Spiders - This item is a ~10% drop from the rare Arachnis. You can loot Arachnis only once per day, and you can find it in your Draenor Garrison after using Creepy Crawlers.
These toys can be purchased from Chub and Dorothy for 150 Tricky Treats:
Hallow's End 2024 holiday update added new transmog appearances:
- Tricks and Treats of Khaz Algar - Visit the Candy Buckets in the Khaz Algar zones.
- Ensemble: Patched Harvest Golem - Drops from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin.
- Patched Harvest Golem's Post - Purchased for 100 Tricky Treats.
- Patched Harvester's Claw - Purchased for 100 Tricky Treats.
- Ensemble: Prowler's Faded Headgear - Purchased for 150 Tricky Treats.
- Prowler's Faded Shoulder Cape - Purchased for 50 Tricky Treats.
Hallow's End 2023 holiday update added a new off-hand item:
- Bucket of Morbid Treats - Purchased for 150 Tricky Treats.
Witch Hats
The following items can drop from Hag's Belongings, the reward for completing the daily quest Under the Crooked Tree.
The Horseman's Transmog
The following items can drop from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin and the Loot-Stuffed Pumpkin:
- The Horseman's Horrific Hood
- The Horseman's Sinister Slicer
- Hallowed Helm - Can also be purchased from Chub and Dorothy for 150 Tricky Treats.
Boss Costumes
The following costume sets change your appearance for 60 minutes and can be purchased from Chub and Dorothy for 200 Tricky Treats each:
- Exquisite Costume Set: "The Lich King" - Gives you the appearance of Arthas with the Lich King armor on, but with the helmet off.
- Exquisite Costume Set: "Deathwing" - Gives you the appearance of the rarely used Human form of Neltharion after turning into Deathwing.
- Exquisite Costume Set: "Grommash" - Gives you the appearance of the Warlord of Draenor Grommash Hellscream.
- Exquisite Costume Set: "Xavius" - Gives you the appearance of Xavius as a normal satyr, the same model used in Darkheart Thicket.
Heirloom Upgrades
You can purchase these heirloom upgrades from Chub and Dorothy:
- Ancient Heirloom Armor Casing - Purchased for 250 Tricky Treats.
- Timeworn Heirloom Armor Casing - Purchased for 450 Tricky Treats.
- Weathered Heirloom Armor Casing - Purchased for 450 Tricky Treats.
- Battle-Hardened Heirloom Scabbard - Purchased for 450 Tricky Treats.
- Eternal Heirloom Armor Casing - Purchased for 450 Tricky Treats.
- Awakened Heirloom Armor Casing - Purchased for 450 Tricky Treats.
Hallowed Be Thy Name
- Trick or Treat!
- Out With it
- Don't Lose Your Head, Man
- The Saviour of Hallow's End
- That Sparkling Smile
- Rotten Hallow
- G.N.E.R.D. Rage
- Check Your Head
- The Masquerade
- Sinister Calling
- Tricks and Treats of Azeroth
This achievement is very straight-forward. You can go to pretty much any inn, and they will have a Candy Bucket with a quest. Turn in the quest and you will be rewarded with a Handful of Treats and this achievement.
For this achievement you will need to eat Tricky Treats until your character pukes. Stack a few of them, and eat one after the other. You will probably get this achievement by eating 10 treats or less, but don't be discouraged if you don't, just keep trying. Make sure you stock up at least 20 of them, just in case.
To obtain this achievement simply queue for The Headless Horseman in the LFG tool and defeat him.
To complete this achievement you need to complete the daily quests given by Masked Orphan Matron (Horde) or Costumed Orphan Matron (Alliance) at least once during the event. They are located in the small villages near the main cities of each faction.
To get this achievement you simply need to use a Tooth Pick. The easiest way to obtain one from a Handful of Treats, or you can purchase it from Chub and Dorothy for 2 Tricky Treats. You might also get one from looting the Headless Horseman's corpse, but the other sources are more reliable.
- Rotten Hallow (Horde) / Rotten Hallow (Alliance)
This achievement is awarded after completing the quests listed on it. You can find all those quests at the entrance to Undercity or Stormwind.
This achievement is fairly straight-forward. First thing you need to do is obtain a few G.N.E.R.D.S. from Candy Buckets or purchase them from Chub and Dorothy.
Once you've collected a hanful of them, your best bet is to queue for a Battleground or go to a crowded PvP zone, and get 10 honorable kills while having the buff from the G.N.E.R.D.S. on you. Keep in mind it gets removed on death.
For this achievement you have to use a Weighted Jack-o'-Lantern on players of all races listed in the achievement. You can get the Lanterns from looting the Headless Horseman's corpse, or as a reward from the daily quests. They can also be bought and sold in the Auction House.
As usual with these kind of achievements, for races of your own faction you can just go to the most crowded main city and look for players from that race. For the opposing faction's races, your best bet is either go to a neutral hub like Dalaran, or sneak into the opposing faction's capital city.
Note: You can get this achievement after Hallow's End is over, provided you have Jack-o'-Lanterns.
For this achievement you will need to get another player to transform you by using one of the wands listed in the achievement. This usually means the other player will want a transformation in exchange, so you should have some wands of your own.
You can get the wands from looting the Headless Horseman's corpse, from the Candy Buckets, or you can purchase each of them for 2 Tricky Treats from Darla (Horde) or Stymie (Alliance).
Note: you can obtain this achievement after Hallow's End is over, as long as another player still has the wands in their inventory
To get this achievement you simply have to obtain these two items:
- Hallowed Helm - Drops the Loot-Filled Pumpkin and the Loot-Stuffed Pumpkin or purchased from Chub and Dorothy for 150 Tricky Treats
- Sinister Squashling - Drops the Loot-Filled Pumpkin or purchased from Woim or Pippi for 150 Tricky Treats
For this achievement you have to visit all the Candy Buckets in Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Outland.
We strongly recommend using Candy Buckets, an addon which puts waypoints to the map for each Candy Bucket that you haven't picked up yet.
Other Achievements
- Tricks and Treats
- The Mask Task
- A Mask for All Occasions
- A Frightening Friend
- A Cleansing Fire
- Kickin' With the Wick
For the Tricks and Treats achievements you have to visit the Candy Buckets in Northrend, Cataclysm, Pandaria, Dragon Isles and Khaz Algar.
We strongly recommend using Candy Buckets, an addon which puts waypoints to the map for each Candy Bucket that you haven't picked up yet.
To obtain this achievement you will have to obtain one of the masks available during Hallow's End. They can drop from the Headless Horseman's encounter, and you can also purchase specific ones from Farina (Horde) or Spanky (Alliance) for 2 Tricky Treats each.
To obtain this achievement you will have to obtain all of the masks available during Hallow's End. They can drop from the Headless Horseman's encounter, and you can also purchase specific ones from Farina (Horde) or Spanky (Alliance) for 2 Tricky Treats each.
To get this achievement you have to find Pepe in your Level 3 Garrison during the Hallow's End World Event.
Unlocking Pepe's Scarecrow Costume (A Tiny Scarecrow Costume) will add it to the pool of costumes Pepe can wear when summoned with the Trans-Dimensional Bird Whistle.
Note: TomTom waypoints might not work, however you can still hover over the map and use the cursor coordinates to find Pepe.
/way 71 90 Horde Garrison
/way 40 70 Alliance Garrison
To get this achievement you have to defeat the Headless Horseman.
For this achievement you have to defeat the Headless Horseman while cursed by all four wicker men.
Speak with the Ominous Wicker Man and accept all his curses before starting the encounter. You will have to dodge spells throughout the fight.
Feats of Strength
- The Horseman's Reins - Obtain The Horseman's Reins from The Headless Horseman in the Scarlet Monastery during Hallow's End.
The Horseman's Reins drops the Loot-Filled Pumpkin.