Secrets of Azeroth World Event Guide
Secrets of Azeroth is a world event in which players solve clues to uncover who is behind a recent string of artifact thefts.
In this guide we'll go over how to solve each secret from the achievement Whodunnit? which rewards Pattie the alpaca mount; find Buried Satchels using rumors from around the community and get a new companion Tobias; forge Mimiron's Jumpjets; and earn new toys and transmog.
Figure out each secret that surfaced during the Secrets of Azeroth event to obtain Pattie the alpaca mount and the Honorary Preservationist title.
1. A Preservationist
Optional: Speak with the Holiday Enthusiast outside the bank in Valdrakken and pick up the quest The Preservationists.
1. Speak with Preservationist Kathos in the Valdrakken inn and pick up the quest Preserving Rarities. Speak with her again to receive A Mystery Box and open it to get a Golden Chalice and A Clue: The Golden Chalice.
Optional: Ask Bobby Carlisle in the Valdrakken inn about the chalice and then head over to the Valdrakken bank.
2. Place the Golden Chalice among the gold coins and then turn in the quest to Preservationist Kathos to complete the 1st secret.
2. Ceremonial Spear
1. Speak with Preservationist Kathos to complete the quest Rise in Relic Theft and receive a Tuskarr Ceremonial Spear.
2. Speak with Elder Poa in Iskaara to find about more about the spear. The Tuskarr Ceremonial Spear will turn into Shomko's Unyielding Spear.
/way #2024 12.4 49.2 Elder Poa
Optional: Speak with any tuskarr in Northrend to find more about Shomko's Unyielding Spear. They will not recognize the name "Shomko"; however, Elder Ko'nami in Moa'ki Harbor may know something about it.
Optional: Speak with Elder Ko'nami to learn more about the great explorer Shomko and you will receive The Elder's Drawing.
/way #115 48.0 74.8 Elder Ko'nani
3. Interact with Shomko's Remembrance near the beach on the Coast of Echoes in Borean Tundra to complete the 2nd secret.
/way #114 33.6 58.4 Shomko's Remembrance
3. Thinking Cap
1. Speak with Bobby Carlisle in the Valdrakken inn to complete the quest A Secretive Contact and get Bobby Carlisle's Thinking Cap Notes. To create the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap you will need three components:
2. Speak with Erugosa to receive the Thunderspine Nest Shopping List. Now you can either purchase 5 Thunderspine Nest from the Auction House and skip the shop list, or purchase the following items from vendors:
- 5 Apexis Asiago from Gorgonzormu in Valdrakken
- 5 Thunderspine Tenders from Agurahl the Butcher in Ohn'ahran Plains
- 5 Latticed Stinkhorn from Sniktak in Loamm
/way #2112 29.6 65.0 Gorgonzormu
/way #2023 85.0 23.4 Agurahl the Butcher
/way #2133 54.0 56.6 Sniktak
Once you have 5 of each ingredient, speak with Erugosa again and you will receive 10 Thunderspine Nest.
Speak with Clinkyclick Shatterboom and give him 5 Thunderspine Nest in exchange for the Thought Calculating Apparatus.
/way #2112 42.2 48.8 Clinkyclick Shatterboom
3. Head over to Cascade's Edge south of Valdrakken and kill Hungering Tyranha for Fresh Tyranha. Give the tyranha to Gryffin and you will receive the Downy Helmet Liner.
/way #2025 39.5 66.5 Hungering Tyranha
/way #2112 42.2 49.6 Gryffin
4. Speak with Shakey Flatlap and trade 1000 gold in exchange for the Crystal Ocular Lenses. You may also go to the Dragon's Hoard secret room in the Valdrakken inn (/kneel to the Odd Statue) and then speak with Kritha to pay 346 gold to settle Shakey Flatlap's tab.
/way #2112 39.0 62.0 Shakey Flatlap
5. Click on the Thought Calculating Apparatus to start the quest Unfinished Thinking Cap. Turn in the quest to Fangli Hoot to receive the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap toy!
6. Speak with Fangli Hoot to pick up the next quest The Tricked-Out Thinking Cap. You will have to use the toy to see Fangli's clues, then follow the arrows and instructions. Once you solve the riddle, turn in the quest to Fangli Hoot and you'll complete the 3rd secret.
/way 26.6 53.9 Fangli's Clue
/way 9.9 56.3 First Clue
/way 29.1 62.5 Second Clue
/way 39.8 64.5 Third Clue
/way 36.2 71.0 Fourth Clue
/way 44.5 58.5 Fifth Clue
/way 37.9 49.2 Sixth Clue
/way 55.1 43.1 Seventh Clue
/way 64.6 53.7 Eight Clue
4. An Inside Job?
1. Speak with Bobby Carlisle to pick up the quest An Inside Job? and then turn it to Fangli Hoot to receive Fangli's Note and Copied Artifact Storage Key.
2. Go to the second floor of the Valdrakken inn and loot the Preservationist's Locker to get the Maruuk Burial Banner.
3. Speak with "Appraiser" Sazsel Stickyfingers to appraise the item and then pick up the quest Preservationist Cleared to return the banner.
/way #2112 62.6 73.0 "Appraiser" Sazsel Stickyfingers
4. After you've returned the banner, turn in the quest to Fangli Hoot and you'll complete the 4th secret.
5. Torch of Pyrreth
1. Speak with Tithris in the Valdrakken in and complete the quest Securing an Artifact to receive the Preservationist's Dispatch.
2. Head over to the Life-Binder Conservatory and pull the Ancient Levers.
/way #2022 56.6 20.3 Ancient Lever 1
/way #2022 57.7 23.8 Ancient Lever 2
/way #2022 57.1 25.6 Ancient Lever 3
You can use the following script to check whether the levers were pulled.
/run local i,q=0;for q=77401,77403 do i=i+1;print('Lever '..i..': '..(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q) and 'YES' or 'NO')) end
3. Loot the torch to start the quest Artifact Secured and then turn it in to Kathos in Valdrakken to receive the Torch of Pyrreth toy!
/way #2022 54.6 20.4 Torch of Pyrreth Location
4. Pick up the next quest The Torch of Pyrreth and test out the new toy by revealing a hidden artifact in the Ruby Exclave. After that, simply turn in the quest and you'll complete the 5th secret.
/way #2112 58.4 23.6 Enchanted Box
6. A Chilling Ascent
1. Speak with Bobby Carlisle in the Valdrakken inn to complete the quest A Chilling Ascent and receive The Clerk's Notes.
Optional: Go to the top level of Vakthros in the Azure Span then head down to ground level next to the big door at coordinates 77.9 32.2 and use the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap to reset it to (0, 0). From there you can fly southeast following the coordinates (11, -2) to a pillar.
/way #2024 77.9 32.2 Vakthros Tower Door
2. Go southeast to coordinates 78.8 32.4 and equip the Torch of Pyrreth to channel into the pillar and reveal a tablet. Interact with the tablet to start the quest A Knowledgeable Descent and then turn it in to Bobby Carlisle in Valdrakken to complete the 6th secret.
/way #2024 78.8 32.5 Unveiled Tablet
A chill hangs in the air. Perhaps the Torch of Pyrreth will protect you and help you find what is hidden.
A tablet is unveiled at the base of the pillar.
[The dragonkin peers over your shoulder to look at the text.]
Amerinth says: Well, I think my days of field research are over. Time to return to town and find a warm bath.
Thank you again for freeing me. Best of luck with your quest!
7. The Idol of Ohn'ahra
1. Speak with Tithris in the Valdrakken in to complete the quest Idol Searching and receive Preservationist's Dispatch Two.
2. Head over to the Eternal Kurgans in the Ohn'ahran Plains and use the Torch of Pyrreth to channel on the Ancient Incense Braziers.
/way #2023 31.0 70.8 Brazier 1
/way #2023 32.3 68.0 Brazier 2
/way #2023 35.2 65.7 Brazier 3
/way #2023 39.6 58.9 Brazier 4
You can use the following script to check if you channeled on the first 3 braziers.
/run local i,q=0;for q=77405,77407 do i=i+1;print('Brazier '..i..': '..(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q) and 'YES' or 'NO')) end
Note: The quests track the amount of Brazier interacted with, and not those specific ones. Make sure you channel the toy on all 3 braziers (doesn't matter which order) before heading over to the 4th brazier! In case the Torch of Pyrreth doesn't channel on a brazier, try switching the shard by enabling or disabling War Mode, or by asking someone from a different server to invite you.
3. After you channel on the 4th brazier, an Idol of Ohn'ahra will appear nearby. Interact with it to start the quest An Idol in Hand and then turn it in to Kathos in Valdrakken to receive the Idol of Ohn'ahra toy.
4. Speak with Kathos to pick up the following quest Using the Idol and then find 3 hidden gems throughout Valdrakken by using the Idol of Ohn'ahra. Once you've done that, turn in the quest and you'll complete the 7th secret.
/way #2112 49.1 51.2
/way #2112 55.2 64.6
/way #2112 45.7 59.3
8. Shifting Sands
1. Speak with Kathos to complete Into the Sands and you'll receive A Clue: The Shifting Sands.
2. Search for 3 Time-Lost Fragments around the Shifting Sands in Thaldraszus and then combine the fragments to form an Incomplete Tablet.
/way #2025 59.3 78.8
/way #2025 58.8 78.2
/way #2025 58.5 78.4
3. Turn in the quest Out of the Sands to Kathos in the Valdrakken inn and you'll complete the 8th secret.
9. What's in a Mold?
1. Speak with Bobby Carlisle to pick up the quest A Key Story and then turn it in to Weaponsmith Koref to receive The Blacksmith and the Apprentice.
2. Use the Torch of Pyrreth in the ruins of Sylvan Glade to reveal a Hastily Scrawled Stone.
/way #2023 63.4 56.9 Hastily Scrawled Stone
3. By using the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap with the coordinates provided by the stone, we find an Ancient Key Mold. Interact with it to loot the Titan Key Mold and start the quest A Titanic Mold.
/way #2023 63.0 57.4 Ancient Key Mold
4. Turn in the quest to Weaponsmith Koref and you'll complete the 9th secret.
10. Forging is Key
1. Speak with Bobby Carlisle to start the quest Reforging a Legend and then turn it in to Weaponsmith Koref to receive the Titan Key Materials List.
2. Gather 50 Rose Gold Dust from the ground around the Overflowing Rapids area in the Waking Shore by using the Idol of Ohn'ahra.
/way #2022 49.3 45.8 Dusty Red Pellets
3. Find 8 Igneous Flux at various locations throughout the Waking Shores where lava meets seawater.
/way #2022 13.4 63.7 Igneous Flux
/way #2022 13.7 67.1 Igneous Flux
/way #2022 20.4 76.2 Igneous Flux
/way #2022 22.9 78.3 Igneous Flux
/way #2022 23.8 78.8 Igneous Flux
/way #2022 37.2 44.4 Igneous Flux
/way #2022 38.8 43.1 Igneous Flux
/way #2022 56.0 19.0 Igneous Flux
/way #2022 57.8 21.3 Igneous Flux
4. Head over to the Earth-Warder's Forge in the Obsidian Citadel and speak with Weaponsmith Koref to start the quest A Key to Reforg(ing). Follow the instructions and then loot the Reforged Titan Key.
/way #2022 24.5 60.8 Earth-Warder's Forge
5. Hand in the quest A Key to Reforg(ing) to receive Tyr's Titan Key and you'll complete the 10th secret.
11. A Proper Burial
1. Speak with Kathos in the Valdrakken inn to complete the quest A Proper Burial and receive the Maruuk Burial Banner.
2. Speak with Sansok Khan in the Ohn'ahran Plains to find out more about the banner and it will turn into Ishtaar Rethon's Burial Banner.
/way #2023 63.4 41.4 Sansok Khan
3. Head to Jhara and speak with her to get The Path of Ishtaar Drawing. You can read it to see an image of the statue of Ohn'ahra above the Shikaar Highlands.
/way #2023 81.2 59.2 Jhara
4. Next up you will have to find Aged Markers and interact with them.
- Find the first Aged Marker on the Shikaar Highlands and interact with it.
- Head to the Roaring Dragonsprings and find the second Aged Marker at the back of the cave.
- Head to the altar at Windsong Rise and reset the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap to (0, 0). Follow the coordinates (-2, 5) from the drawing and you'll find the third Aged Marker at the edge of the cliff.
- Head to the Eternal Kurgans and enter the burial mound to the southwest. The fourth Aged Marker will be in the second room to the left.
- Head to the Deadsnare Caverns and you'll find the fifth Aged Marker covered in spider webs. Use the Torch of Pyrreth to burn them out.
- Head to the back of the caverns and upstairs you will find a Large Unmarked Stone Cairn and the location for a Banner Stand. Place Ishtaar Rethon's Burial Banner and you'll complete the 11th secret.
/way #2023 83.9 48.5 First Aged Marker
/way #2023 78.6 83.3 Second Aged Marker
/way #2023 60.7 63.5 Third Aged Marker
/way #2023 31.6 71.6 Fourth Aged Marker
/way #2023 43.3 48.0 Fifth Aged Marker
/way #2023 42.7 51.0 Banner Stand
12. Kirin Tor Knowledge
1. Speak with Bobby Carlisle to complete the quest A Special Book and receive Kirin To Contact's Notes.
2. Head to the Karazhan raid in Deadwind Pass and make your way to the Guardian's Library. You will have to defeat Moroes, the Opera event and The Curator.
3. Once in the Guardian's Library, use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to track down 4 Ancient Tomes. You can use the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap with the coordinates provided by each book to find the next one, or use the screenshots and video below to locate them.
4. Click on Tyr's Legacy to start the quest A Legacy of Secrets and then turn it in to Bobby Carlisle in Valdrakken to complete the 12th secret.
13. Under Suspicion
1. Speak with Bobby Carlisle to start the quest They Are Always Listening and then turn it in to Fangli Hoot to receive Great Places to Visit in Valdrakken.
2. You will have to interact with 6 notes scattered across Valdrakken. For the final note, /kneel to the Odd Statue in the Valdrakken inn to enter the Dragon's Hoard.
3. Once you've interacted with the final note, accept the quest A Complete Inventory and turn it in to Fangli Hoot to complete the 13th secret.
/way #2112 44.2 60.4 Auction House Bill of Sale
/way #2112 74.0 57.5 Void Storage Receipt
/way #2112 53.0 28.5 Garden Supply Receipt
/way #2112 37.6 37.2 Researcher's Note
/way #2112 31.6 70.3 Hastily Scrawled Note
/way #2112 46.0 41.4 Note to Kritha
14. A Curious Orb
1. Speak with Tithris in the Valdrakken inn to complete the quest A Sphere in Danger and receive Preservationist's Dispatch Three.
2. Head to the Stormshroud Peak and enter the three caves nearby to search for the Titan-Inscribed Tablets. Use the Torch of Pyrreth to reveal the tablets, interact with each tablet, and then loot the 3 Buried Objects to get 3 Piece of the Orb of Rathmus.
/way #2025 49.8 80.4 Entrance to Cave 1
/way #2025 50.1 81.0 Tablet 1
/way #2025 49.5 79.7 Orb 1
/way #2025 47.0 78.1 Entrance to Cave 2
/way #2025 46.6 77.6 Tablet 2
/way #2025 45.9 79.7 Orb 2
/way #2025 48.4 77.2 Entrance to Cave 3
/way #2025 48.7 76.4 Tablet 3
/way #2025 50.2 78.0 Orb 3
3. Combinate the 3 Piece of the Orb of Rathmus to create the Orb of Rathmus. Hand in the quest A Curious Orb to Tithris in Valdrakken and you'll complete the 14th secret.
15. The Race
1. Speak with Kathos to complete the quest A Treacherous Race and receive Ancient Tyrhold Artifact Notes.
2. Light each Orb in Tyrhold by using the Torch of Pyrreth.
/way #2025 57.1 64.4 Orb 1
/way #2025 57.1 62.9 Orb 2
/way #2025 57.9 61.8 Orb 3
/way #2025 57.9 60.5 Orb 4
/way #2025 59.9 61.0 Orb 5
/way #2025 58.0 56.9 Orb 6
/way #2025 57.9 56.0 Orb 7
/way #2025 59.8 56.4 Orb 8
You can use the following script to check if the orbs were lit up.
/run local i,q=0;for q=77960,77967 do i=i+1;print('Orb '..i..': '..(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q) and 'YES' or 'NO')) end
Once all 8 orbs have been lit up, the following emote appears in chat.
A pulse of energy reverberates across Tyrhold signaling the release of a magical lock.
3. Go to the Tyrhold Forge and approach Tyr's face to receive the buff Tyr's Favor for 60 minutes.
/way #2025 61.1 58.6 Tyrhold Forge
4. Find 6 items located throughout the rooms on the lower rings of Tyrhold. Use the Idol of Ohn'ahra to find and loot Broken Urns that contain items.
/way #2025 59.9 54.7 Top Floor - Titan Cube Housing
/way #2025 59.8 62.3 Top Floor - Titan Energy Core
/way #2025 59.7 62.6 Middle Floor - Large Titan Capacitor
/way #2025 59.7 54.9 Middle Floor - Titan Focusing Crystal
/way #2025 61.9 61.9 Bottom Floor - Titan Block Key Fragment
/way #2025 61.7 55.1 Bottom Floor - Titan Block Key Fragment
5. Combine the uncommon items to form the rare item components.
- Titan Cube Housing + Titan Energy Core > Titan Energy Cube
- Titan Block Key Fragment + Titan Block Key Fragment > Titan Block Key
6. Deposit them into the 4 Titan Power Relays which can be found inside the big pillars of light at the surface.
/way #2025 59.3 56.9 Titan Power Relay Console 1
/way #2025 61.0 55.0 Titan Power Relay Console 2
/way #2025 59.5 60.6 Titan Power Relay Console 3
/way #2025 61.0 62.4 Titan Power Relay Console 4
You can use the following script to track your progress.
/run local N,t,d={"Console 1","Console 2","Console 3","Console 4"},{77968,77969,77970,77973} for s,k in pairs(N)do d=C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(t[s]) print(k.." =",(d and "\124cFF00FF00Done" or "\124cFFFF0000Not Done").."\124r")end
Once you've deposited the items into all 4 Titan Power Relays, an emote appears in the chat again.
A pulse of energy reverberates across Tyrhold signaling the release of a magical lock.
7. Head to the top of Tyrhold and interact with the orb to start the quest An Ominous Artifact. Complete the quest to solve the final 15th secret and earn the achievement Whodunnit?, as well as Pattie's Cap and the Honorary Preservationist %s title!
Community Rumors
To complete the Community Rumors and Community Rumor Mill achievements, you will have to find Buried Satchels by using clues posted by Blizzard on various social media channels.
You can use the following script to see which Buried Satchels you have looted.
/run local i,v;for i,v in ipairs({88,91,89,92,90,93,96,94,97,98,99,100,102,1008,101,1007,95}) do print("Satchel "..i..":",C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(77200+v)) end
Community Rumor #1 - Felwood
Clue: The news article for the Trading Post September 2023 Rewards included multiple images highlighting a location in Felwood.
Head to the bottom of the Bloodvenom Falls lake to find the Buried Satchel.
/way #77 42.2 48.1 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #2 - Thousand Needles
Clue: The header image from the article Blues News: September 1, 2023 has been edited, adding a faint map of Thousand Needles under the dragon's chin.
Enter the underwave cave of Splithoof Hold, swim north and at the end of the cave you will find the Buried Satchel.
/way #64 43.9 37.5 Splithoof Hold Cave Entrance
/way #64 42.7 30.6 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #3 - Eastern Plaguelands
Clue: Blizzard posted clues for the Buried Satchel on the official forums and on Instagram.
What’s going on in Eastern Plaguelands today?
Next to the Corin's Crossing bridge from the Instagram image there's a Plague Plaque. Following directions (15, 15) with the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap brings us to the Buried Satchel.
/way #23 51.5 65.0 Plague Plaque
/way #23 55.3 59.5 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #4 - Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor)
Clue: In the monthly post The Darkmoon Faire Returns, the Roller Coaster image had an alt text "Rumor has it Shadowmoon is the place to be" and clicking on the image revealed a screenshot of the tree at Moonwillow Peak in Shadowmoon Valley.
Head to the Shadowmoon Valley in Draenor and you will find the Buried Satchel next to the Oracle Stone below the three.
/way #539 35.3 49.0 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #5 - Netherstorm
Clue: Blizzard posted on Twitter the weekly Monday transmog with the text "Ensure you'll nether look better. #MogMonday is no secret. Or is it?", pointing at a location outside Manaforge B'naar in Netherstorm. There was also a clue posted on the official forums.
The office is closed for holiday. Hope you’re having a good time in Netherstorm.
Head over to Manaforge B'naar with two other players that have the Torch of Pyrreth. Use the toy to channel on the 3 crystals and spawn the Loose Dirt Mound.
/way #109 26.2 68.5 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #6 - Valley of the Four Winds
Clue: Blizzard posted the article This Week in WoW: September 5, 2023 with a header image showing the Heartland in Valley of the Four Winds.
The Buried Satchel can be found inside the mouth of the mogu statue.
/way #376 56.8 21.4 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #7 - The Azure Span
Clue: Blizzard posted on Twitter an image with the text "Those are some nice snowmen you got there... it would be a shame if something happened to them...". There was also a clue posted on the official forums.
Do you want to find a snowman?
/way #2024 25.2 71.4 Buried Satchel
Use the Torch of Pyrreth toy near the snowmen to melt one of them and reveal the Loose Dirt Mound.
Community Rumor #8 - Dragonblight
Clue: In the article In Development: Guardians of the Dream, clicking on the Emerald Dream image revealed a screenshot of the Emerald Dragonshrine in Dragonblight.
Head over to the claw of the fallen dragon to find the eight Buried Satchel.
/way #115 63.9 72.6 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #9 - Northern Barrens
Clue: The header image from the article Blues News: September 8, 2023 has been edited, adding a faint map of Northern Barrens above the dragon's head.
/way #10 46.0 50.6 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #10 - Blasted Lands
Clue: Blizzard reposted the article Haunted Azeroth: The Frightening and Bizarre, in which the last image shows a mysterious ritual.
Head over to the mysterious ritual in Blasted Lands and use the Torch of Pyrreth near the crystal to reveal the Loose Dirt Mound.
/way #17 64.7 55.4 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #11 - Nagrand (Outland)
Clue: Blizzard reposted the article The Six Best Romantic Picnic Spots, in which the first image shows a skeleton on a floating island.
Head over to the floating island above Skysong Lake in Nagrand (Outland) and you'll find the Loose Dirt Mound behind the skeleton.
/way #107 57.8 26.3 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #12 - Grizzly Hills
Clue: The header image from the article This Week in WoW: September 11, 2023 shows the Blue Sky Logging Grounds in Grizzly Hills.
Alliance players can speak with Gordun and Horde players can speak with Darrok to start a log ride to Venture Bay. Once you have the buff WHEE!, you will be able to loot the Loose Dirt Mound.
/way #116 36.8 35.7 Gordun
/way #116 20.2 81.3 Alliance Buried Satchel
/way #116 35.1 34.7 Darrok
/way #116 11.0 74.9 Horde Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #13 - Dragonblight
Clue: Blizzard posted on Twitter a video about how the developers created the Secrets of Azeroth event. In the video, two QR codes were shows that read "I heard a rumor..." and "Shrine (52, 123)".
Starting from the previous Loose Dirt Mound at 63.9 72.6 in Dragonblight and by using the new coordinates (52, 123) with the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap, that brings us to a new Loose Dirt Mound in the Bronze Dragonshrine.
/way #115 73.2 39.5 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #14 - Highmountain
Clue: Blizzard posted on Twitter the following text.
How’s It Going, Heroes?
Many Of you have been Uncovering New secrets every day and Testing out theories!
As Intriguing New secrets Pop up Everywhere and Anywhere, Keep up the good work
The uppercase letters spell out "Highmountain Peak", the next location for the Loose Dirt Mound.
/way #650 53.3 87.5 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #15 - Timeless Isle
Clue: Blizzard posted the article The Pet Battle Bonus Event Has Begun, in which the header image shows Yu'lon on the Timeless Isle.
Head over to the Timeless Isle and you'll find the Loose Dirt Mound in the middle of the Celestial Court.
/way #554 38.7 55.0 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #16 - Western Plaguelands
Clue: Blizzard has posted a clue for the Buried Satchel on the official forums.
Something has been plaguing me for days, and now I can finally point my thinking cap to the right place (-198, -84).
Starting from the previous Loose Dirt Mound at 55.3 59.5 in Eastern Plaguelands and by using the new coordinates (-198, -84) with the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap, that brings us to a new Loose Dirt Mound in Western Plaguelands.
/way #22 68.8 73.2 Buried Satchel
Community Rumor #17 - Tiragarde Sound
Clue: Blizzard reposted the article Battle for Azeroth: Tiragarde Sound Visitor's Guide, which included an image of Freehold.
Head to the peak of the mountain from the image and you'll find the Loose Dirt Mound.
/way #895 74.5 86.1 Buried Satchel
Mimiron's Jumpjets
To forge Mimiron's Jumpjets you have to find 3 booster parts and then combine them to reforge the mount.
Clues for these booster parts were sent by Blizzard to the community, which had to solve a series of puzzles for each item.
First Booster Part
Three players are required for the First Booster Part.
Head over to the Jaguero Isle in the Cap of Stranglethorn and use the Torch of Pyrreth to light up three braziers. Defeat the Enigma Ward and loot it to receive the first part!
/way #210 59.4 79.0 Jaguero Isle
Second Booster Part
Four players are required for the Second Booster Part.
Head over to the Irontree Woods in Felwood and interact with Mimiron's Booster Part to enter the Enigmamental npc. Use the spell Envelope to absorb 3 other players, and then the elemental will explode and leave the second part on the ground!
/way #77 50.0 26.4 Irontree Woods
Third Booster Part
At least one other player is required for the Third Booster Part.
Head to the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands, destroy the two Legion Flak Cannon nearby, and have other players protect you from attackers while you interact with the Mimiron's Booster Part. After 12 seconds, you will loot the third part!
/way #17 54.8 52.1 The Dark Portal
Empowered Arcane Forge
Bring the 3 booster parts to the Arcane Forge in Valdrakken to create Mimiron's Jumpjets!
/way #2112 36.5 61.9 Arcane Forge
- Pattie's Cap - Teaches Pattie, the alpaca mount. Rewarded by completing the achievement Whodunnit?
- Mimiron's Jumpjets - Obtained by Jumpjet Fusion: Combine the first, second, and third boosters near an Empowered Arcane Forge to reforge and power Mimiron's Jumpjets.
- Tobias - Reward from completing the achievement Community Rumor Mill.
The Secrets of Azeroth toys are unlocked while solving secrets for the achievement Whodunnit?
- Tricked-Out Thinking Cap - Secret #3
- Torch of Pyrreth - Secret #5
- Idol of Ohn'ahra - Secret #7
- Brown Tweed Cap - Reward from completing the achievement Tools of the Trade.
- Blue Tweed Cap - Reward from completing the achievement Community Rumors.
- Tyr's Titan Key - Reward from the quest A Key To Reforg(ing).