Hidden Toys in World of Warcraft – Collection Guide
This guide documents Hidden Toys in World of Warcraft, and as such, it acts as a reference hub for toys that don't appear in the Toy Box until collected.
The War Within Hidden Toys
- Starry-Eyed Goggles - Obtained from completing one of the puzzles required for Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle.
- Infiltrator's Shroud - Drops from Ethereum Void Reaper, which has a chance to spawn by using the trinket Treacherous Transmitter.
- Wormhole Generator: Khaz Algar - Crafted by engineers. Can be bought on the Auction House.
- Defective Escape Pod - Crafted by engineers. Can be bought on the Auction House.
- Sandbox Storm Gryphon - The War Within Epic Edition.
- Deepdweller's Earthen Hearthstone - The War Within Epic Edition.
Dragonflight Hidden Toys
- Draenic Hologem - Reward from the quest Our Path Forward (Draenei Heritage Armor Questline).
- Tess's Peacebloom - Obtained after completing the achievement Reclamation of Gilneas. Requires relogging to see the item in the Toy Box.
- Hearthstone Game Table - Reward from the achievement Hearthstone Beginner.
- Inherited Wisdom of Senegos - Rewarded after completing the quest "A Peaceful Farewell" (Blue Dragonflight Campaign).
- Whelps on Strings - Rewarded after completing the achievement Daycare Derby.
- Path of the Naaru - Purchased for 90 Lightweave Cloth, 90 Empyrium and 900 Veiled Argunite from Gaal in Krokul Hovel.
- Tricked-Out Thinking Cap - World Event: Secrets of Azeroth.
- Torch of Pyrreth - World Event: Secrets of Azeroth.
- Idol of Ohn'ahra - World Event: Secrets of Azeroth.
Shadowlands Hidden Toys
- Doomwalker Trophy Stand - Drops from Doomwalker during the World of Warcraft's Anniversary event.
- Wormhole Generator: Shadowlands - Crafted by engineers. The schematic is sold by the Undying Army Quartermasters in Oribos and Maldraxxus.
- Stored Wisdom Device - Obtained 3 days after speaking with Ve'nari in the Maw and then in Zereth Mortis (near the Creation Catalyst).
Battle for Azeroth Hidden Toys
- Nomi's Vintage - Obtained during the questline to recruit the Vulpera Allied Race.
- Book of the Unshackled - Obtained by completing Veteran: Vim Brineheart.
- Carved Ankoan Charm - Obtained by completing Veteran: Farseer Ori.
- Wormhole Generator: Zandalar - Schematic taught by Engineering Trainers in Nazjatar.
- Wormhole Generator: Kul Tiras - Schematic taught by Engineering Trainers in Nazjatar.
- Blingtron 7000 - Schematic sold by the Rustbolt Quartermaster in Mechagon.
- Lucille's Handkerchief - Obtained by looting the Dresser, coordinates 24.3 14.9 in Drustvar. You can interact with the Dresser only after you've completed the Whitegrove Chapel quests (as Alliance).
- Gem of Acquiescence - Found in a hidden cave beneath the Stormsong Monastery in Boralus. Check our Gem of Acquiescence Hidden Toy Guide to learn how to get this item.
Class Toys
- Nature's Beacon (Druid) - Sold by Lorelae Wintersong in Moonglade.
- Hunter's Call (Hunter) - Sold by Outfitter Reynolds in Trueshot Lodge (Hunnter Class Hall) and by Mardan Thunderhoof in Sholazar Basin.
- Familiar Stone (Mage) - Sold by Endora Moorehead in Old Dalaran.
- Dalaran Initiates' Pin (Mage) - Sold by Endora Moorehead in Old Dalaran. There's a limited supply of 1, so you might not always find it.
- Scarlet Confessional Book (Priest) - Sold by Cravitz Lorent, a vendor that spawns sometimes in Dalaran Underbelly (can spawn both in Old and New Dalaran).
- Thaumaturgist's Orb (Priest) - Sold by Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock in Eastern Plaguelands.
- Barrel of Bandanas (Rogue) - Sold by Griftah (Draenor) for 10.000 Dingy Iron Coins or by Griftah (Rogue Class Hall) for 50.000 Coins of Air.
- Barrel of Eyepatches (Rogue) - Sold by Griftah (Rogue Class Hall) for 50.000 Coins of Air.
- Raging Elemental Stone (Shaman) - Sold by Elementalist Sharvak in Nagrand (Outland) and by Flamesmith Lanying in The Maelstrom (Shaman Class Hall).
- Tadpole Cloudseeder (Shaman) - Sold by Elementalist Sharvak in Nagrand (Outland) and by Flamesmith Lanying in The Maelstrom (Shaman Class Hall).
- Vol'jin's Serpent Totem (Shaman) - Sold by Elementalist Sharvak in Nagrand (Outland) and by Flamesmith Lanying in The Maelstrom (Shaman Class Hall).
- Waterspeaker's Totem (Shaman) - Sold by Elementalist Sharvak in Nagrand (Outland) and by Flamesmith Lanying in The Maelstrom (Shaman Class Hall).
- Lava Fountain (Shaman) - Reward for completing a puzzle game in The Maelstrom (Shaman Class Hall).
Engineering Toys
- Dimensional Ripper - Area 52 - Schematic taught by Kablamm Farflinger in Area 52 to Goblin Engineers only.
- Dimensional Ripper - Everlook - Schematic taught by Zap Farflinger in Everlook to Goblin Engineers only.
- Loot-A-Rang - Schematic taught by Engineering Trainers.
- MOLL-E - Schematic taught by Engineering Trainers.
- Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan - Schematic taught by Jhordy Lapforge in Gadgetzan to Gnomish Engineers only.
- Ultrasafe Transporter: Toshley's Station - Schematic taught by Smiles O'Byron in Blade's Edge Mountains to Gnomish Engineers only.
- Wormhole Centrifuge - Schematic can be bought from multiple Draenor vendors with Secret of Draenor Engineering.
- Wormhole Generator: Argus - Schematic is taught as a reward from the quest Extraterrestrial Exploration.
- Wormhole Generator: Pandaria - Schematic is taught by Engineering Trainers.
- Wormhole Generator: Northrend - Schematic is taught by Engineering Trainers.
- Gnomish Gravity Well - Schematic is taught by Engineering Trainers to Gnomish Engineers only.
- Blingtron 4000 - Schematic is taught by Engineering Trainers.
- Blingtron 5000 - Schematic can be bought from multiple Draenor vendors with Secret of Draenor Engineering.
Trading Post Toys
- X-treme Water Blaster Display - Trading Post Reward.
- Ethereal Transmogrifier - 500 Trader's Tender.
- Colorful Beach Chair - 200 Trader's Tender.
- Delicate Ebony Parasol - 200 Trader's Tender.
- Delicate Jade Parasol - 200 Trader's Tender.
- Delicate Silk Parasol - 200 Trader's Tender.
- Mannequin Charm - 10 Trader's Tender.
Blizzard Shop Toys
- Magical Murkmorpher - Battle.net Shop
- Lion's Pride Firework - Obtained by purchasing the Firework Toys in Blizzard's Shop.
- Horde's Might Firework - Obtained by purchasing the Firework Toys in Blizzard's Shop.
BlizzCon Toys
- Chilling Celebration Banner - BlizzCon Collection 2023.
- Orgrimmar Hero's War Banner - Obtained by purchasing the BlizzCon 2018 Virtual Ticket.
- Stormwind Champion's War Banner - Obtained by purchasing the BlizzCon 2018 Virtual Ticket.
Trading Card Game Toys
- Murloc Costume - Code obtained by attending Blizzcon 2007.
- Ethereal Portal - Code obtained from the Portal Stone card in the Icecrown expansion from the TCG.
- Dark Portal - Code obtained from the Dark Portal Hearthstone card in the Betrayal of the Guardian expansion from the TCG.
- Carved Ogre Idol - Code obtained by redeeming UDE points.
Warcraft Rumble Toys
- Warcraft Rumble Toy: Maiev
- Warcraft Rumble Toy: Murloc
- Warcraft Rumble Toy: Night Elf Huntress
- Warcraft Rumble Toy: Sneed
- Warcraft Rumble Toy: Stonehoof Tauren
- Warcraft Rumble Toy: Undead Ghoul
- Warcraft Rumble Toy: Whelp Egg
Vendor Toys
- Rukhmar's Sacred Memory - Sold by Dawn-Seeker Krisek in Tanaan Jungle for 50.000 Apexis Crystal.
- Anglers Fishing Raft - Sold by Nat Pagle in Krasarang Wilds.
- Jolly Roger - Sold by Edward Techt in Booty Bay during Pirate Day. You need to have completed Avast Ye, Admiral! beforehand.
Winter Veil Toys
- Box of Puntables - 2024 Winter Veil Gift.
- Festive Trans-Dimensional Bird Whistle - Drops from Stolen Present (100% drop rate).
- Junior Timekeeper's Racing Belt - 2023 Winter Veil Gift.
- Winter Veil Socks - 2023 Gently Shaken Gift.
- Obsidian Egg Clutch - Sold by Sabellian's Quartermasters for 1 Primal Bear Spine, 1 Large Sturdy Femur and 100 Dragon Isles Supplies.
- Falling Star Catcher - Drops from Stolen Present.
- Falling Star Flinger - Drops from Stolen Present.
Dungeons and Raids Toys
- Vixx's Chest of Tricks - Drops from Vixx the Collector, a rare spawn in Seat of the Triumvirate in Heroic and Mythic difficulty.
- Unstable Portal Emitter - Drops from Vixx the Collector, a rare spawn in Seat of the Triumvirate in Heroic and Mythic difficulty.
- Vial of Green Goo - Drops from Endgineer Omegaplugg, the secret boss in Gnomeregan.
- Golden Hearthstone Card: Lord Jaraxxus - Drops from Gul'dan in The Nighthold (any difficulty).
Garrison Mission Toys
- Archmage Vargoth's Spare Staff - Reward from the Draenor Garrison Mission Mysterious Shining Lockbox.
Secret Locations Toys
- Wand of Simulated Life - Found in the upper floor of the Ledgermain Lounge in Dalaran (Broken Isles).
- Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm - Obtained by speaking to the Ghostly Pandaren Fisherman, a rare spawn in the Valley of the Four Winds.
Legacy Toys
The toys listed below are no longer obtainable; however, some of them may return in world events such as WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria and Diablo Anniversary.
- Mini Mana Bomb - Horde reward from the Mists of Pandaria pre-patch scenario. Players who completed Theramore's Fall can purchase the toy from Zidormi.
- Gnomeregan Pride - Alliance reward from the Cataclysm pre-patch event.
- Darkspear Pride - Horde reward from the Cataclysm pre-patch event.
- Tome of Town Portal - Obtained during the Diablo 20th anniversary event.
- Twelve-String Guitar - Obtained during the Diablo 20th anniversary event.
- Nightmare Banner - Obtained during the Greedy Emissary Diablo-themed event.
Never Implemented Toys
The following toys were datamined and/or available during an alpha, beta or ptr version of the game at some point but never got implemented. This list is reviewed weekly.
- Whitewater Tsunami
- Yaungol Oil Stove
- Jinyu Light Globe
- Regenerating Banana Bunch
- Fel Focusing Crystal
- Horde Gladiator's Banner
- Alliance Gladiator's Banner
- Magi Focusing Crystal
- Silver Gilnean Brooch
- Waywatcher's Boon
- Falanaar Echo
- Blazing Ember Signet
- Kvaldir Raiding Horn
- Kojo's Master Matching Set
- Pearl of the Abyss
These items were completely removed from the game: