Midsummer Fire Festival World Event Guide (June 21 – July 5)

The Midsummer Fire Festival World Event is a summer holiday in World of Warcraft. It is themed around honoring the bonfires that the Flame Keepers light all over Azeroth.

Midsummer Fire Festival 2024 Holiday Updates

Midsummer Fire Festival 2024 brings a few new collectibles:

Updated Loot System

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)

We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single Battle.net account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single Battle.net account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continues to accumulate for each failed attempt. This change will allow players to spend less time working to earn a specific dropped item while providing an increasing opportunity to get that item during the holiday.

Midsummer Fire Festival Overview

The main activity during this event will be flying all over Azeroth, finding the Fire Keepers for each zone, and honoring their bonfire by completing a quest that they give, or desecrating the opposing faction's bonfires by dousing them. Both of these activities will reward you with Burning Blossoms, which are used as the event's currency.

To complete these activities we recommend you get the addon Candy Buckets, which adds waypoints to the map.

Ahune the Frost Lord

During this event you can also queue through the Dungeon Finder to defeat Ahune the Frost Lord. This will reward you with a satchel which contains some Burning Blossoms and collectibles.

Experience Buff

If you're leveling characters you can pick up the 10% experience buff (Ribbon Dance) by dancing at a Ribbon Pole.


The vendors for the event are Midsummer Merchant for Horde players and Midsummer Supplier for Alliance players. Below are the locations for Orgrimmar and Stormwind; however, you can also find Midsummer Fire Festival vendors in other major cities across Azeroth.

/way #85 47.5 38.1 Midsummer Merchant (Horde)
/way #84 47.5 72.2 Midsummer Supplier (Alliance)

Midsummer Fire Festival Blue Post

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)

Take part in the hottest holiday of the year from June 21 through July 5. The Midsummer Fire Festival brings with it a variety of activities and rewards to light up Azeroth’s summer.

When: June 21–July 5
Where: Major Horde and Alliance Cities
Currency: Burning Blossom

"A time of merriment and celebration, dedicated to the hottest season of the year."

Warning: Play with fire at your own risk. Playing with fire could get you burned. Fire is hot. Love is a burning fire. Please don't fall into the ring of fire. In case of fire, stop, collaborate, and listen . . . then drop and roll. Please enjoy the Midsummer Fire Festival responsibly.

Drakewatcher Manuscript





You can get both of these tabards by completing Shards of Ahune, a quest dropped by Ahune after defeating him.


Cosmetic Items

Enchanting Formulas

Weapon Illusions

Heirloom Upgrades


The Flame Keeper / The Flame Warden

The Flame Keeper (Horde) and The Flame Warden (Alliance) are the meta-achievements for the Midsummer Fire Festival World Event. If you complete them you will learn the tiles: Flame Keeper %s (Horde) and Flame Warden %s (Alliance).

This achievement is a collection of smaller achievements that require you to honor the flames in several locations all over Azeroth.

To complete these achievements we recommend you get the addon Candy Buckets, which adds waypoints to the map.

This achievement is a collection of smaller achievements that require you to desecrate the opposing faction's flames all over Azeroth.

To complete these achievements we recommend you get the addon Candy Buckets, which adds waypoints to the map.

For this achievement you will first need to acquire the 3 set pieces of the Midsummer Reveler set (Mantle of the Fire Festival, Vestment of Summer & Sandals of Summer).

Important: Make sure to equip the items and not to learn them, otherwise you will have to spent another 400 Burning Blossoms to purchase the items again.

Once you've equipped the set, click on a Ribbon Pole, wait 60 seconds and the achievement is yours!

To be able to encounter and defeat Ahune, you just need to queue for the battle using the Dungeon Finder tool in game. There will be a special queue for Ahune the Frost Lord.

For this achievement you will need to "steal" the flame from the opposing faction's capital cities by looting a quest item from them. The location for the flames is listed on the appropiate continent's waypoint tab below, alongside the other flames.

Once you have stolen the flames from all capital cities, you will get the final quest A Thief's Reward (Horde) / A Thief's Reward (Alliance), which will reward you with a Crown of the Fire Festival and the achievement.

This achievement requires you to juggle 40 Juggling Torch in less than 15 seconds. You can buy the torches from the holiday vendor.

The best way to do this achievement is to drag and drop the torches to your action bar. Once they're there, press the corresponding hotkey, and then left click on your character's feet so that you throw the torch on the spot. Spam this 40 times and the achievement will be yours.

Other Achievements

To complete the Flame Keeper and Flame Warden achievements we recommend you get the addon Candy Buckets, which adds waypoints to the map.