Uuna’s Secret Storyline – Guide
Uuna's Secret Storyline is one of the major secrets added in Legion, along with Kosumoth the Hungering, Lucid Nightmare, Riddler's Mind-Worm and Sun Darter Hatchling.
For this secret the reward is hugs, and the gratitude of a little girl. If you complete her secret storyline, her appearance will also get updated with a doll, wand and flower crown.
Uuna's Secret Storyline
To start Uuna's Secret Storyline, you will first have to get Uuna's Doll from The Many-Faced Devourer. To summon the Ur'zul you have to get the Call of the Devourer scroll and three bones:
- Call of the Devourer drops from mobs scattered across Scavenger's Boneyard
- Ur'zul Bone can be found at 50.4 56.1 next to the altar
- Imp Bone can be found at 65.6 26.3 inside the imp cave
- Fiend Bone can be found at 52.4 35.3 next to black pillar left of trap
/way Antoran Wastes 55 39 Call of the Devourer
/way Antoran Wastes 50.4 56.1 Ur'zul Bone
/way Antoran Wastes 65.6 26.3 Imp Bone
/way Antoran Wastes 52.4 35.3 Fiend Bone
Once you have obtained these items, go to 54.7 39.1 and click on the Bone Effigy to summon The Many-Faced Devourer.
Progress Macro
Use the following script to track your progress:
/run local a={50098,50099,50100,50101,50102,50103,50104,50105,50106,50107,50108,50109}for i,q in ipairs(a)do print(format("%s: %s",i, C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q) and "\124cFF00FF00Done\124r" or "\124cFFFF0000Not Done\124r")) end
Step 1, 2, 3 and 4 - A New Friend
Summon Uuna and then wait for her to say one of the following lines:
Uuna says: Mama? Mama! Why is it so dark? It's scary here...
Uuna says: Can anybody hear me?
Uuna says: C-c-cold...
After that you have to interact with her using emotes.
First /whistle at her to make her aware of your presence. She will walk around you and ask questions:
Uuna says: Hello? Who's there? I heard you!
Uuna says: Who are you? Can you help me?
Uuna says: It's so dark! I can't see a thing!
Now /roar at her. She will get scared, run away and despawn, and you will have to summon her back.
Uuna says: Ack! A monster!
Uuna says: Help! HELP!
Lastly, /cry at her. She will cry back and empathize with you, and mention that she's lost in a dark place.
Uuna says: Are you sad too? Are you lost like me?
Uuna says: At least we're together now. We just... don't know where we are.
Uuna says: But you're my friend, and I know it's gonna be okay.
Uuna says: I wish I could see better. It's always so dark here!
Step 5 - Bright Lights
Visit A'dal in Shattrath City and Uuna will slowly start walking towards the Naaru. Uuna shortly realizes the light is too bright so she turns back and runs away.
Uuna says: What's that? A light in the darkness! It's so bright...
Uuna says: It's too bright! Too bright! Owww!
Step 6 - Wanna Be Friends?
Bring Uuna to the moonlight from Lake Falathim. That will let her "see", and in the end you end up befriending her.
/way Ashenvale 18.9 41.6
Uuna says: It's gotten a little brighter! I can see... sorta.
Uuna says: Oh, hi! Who are you? I'm Uuna. Wanna be friends? Maybe together we can get outta this place.
Uuna says: I wish Nuu were here. He'd know what to do.
Step 7 - Finding Nuu
Nuu is located in an abandoned house on a floating island in southwest Eredath. Before you go there make sure to purchase a few Goblin Glider Kits from the Auction House.
You will first have to use a Goblin Glider Kit from 24.3 58.8 to get to the tiny floating island nearby. You can also use class spells such as Glide, Disengage, Slow Fall and Levitate to make this first jump.
For the second jump you will have to use a Goblin Glider Kit from the highest point on the island to glide towards the floating island in the distance.
/way Eredath 24.3 58.8 Use the Goblin Glider Kit to get to the tiny floating island nearby
/way Eredath 25.15 59 Use the Goblin Glider Kit to get to the floating island in the distance
/way Eredath 32.7 75.5 Nuu
Once you get there, Uuna will excitedly run up to the doll and pick it up.
Uuna says: Nuu-Nuu! I was scared I'd never see you again! How did you get here?
Uuna says: Nuu is here to help us, friend. I knew you'd find us, Nuu!
Uuna says: I'll hold onto him so he doesn't get lost again.
Step 8 - Shooting Stars
Take Uuna to Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle. She will pick up the wand from the table and hold onto it from now on.
/way Bloodmyst Isle 56.4 56.6
Uuna says: I used to have a wand like that! Lost it a long time ago.
Uuna says: It shoots stars! Bad guys really hate that.
Step 9 - Flower Crown
Take Uuna to Shadowmoon Valley in Draenor. She will pick up the crown from the chair and put it on her head.
/way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 56 41.1
Uuna says: A crown! So pretty!
Uuna says: You can't fight the dark without a crown, friend. It's the rules.
Uuna says: I feel a lot better now.
Step 10 - Uuna Gets Kidnapped
After a short amount of time, Uuna gets kidnapped by void tendrils.
Uuna says: It's dark again! Where did you go? Don't leave me!
Uuna says: No! Let me go! Help, friend! HELP!
Step 11 - Spirit Healer
Once Uuna gets captured you cannot summon her anymore.
You will have to die, and then talk to any Spirit Healer to see if it has seen Uuna. The Spirit Healer will then mark you, so that you may pass into the spirit realm and continue your search for Uuna.
> I'm looking for a little girl named Uuna, have you seen her?
I have heard the cries of the child you speak of.
I shall mark you, that you may pass into this realm and seek her out.
She resides in a place where the barrier between the realms of life and death are thin, and spill over into your world.
Be warned, you have no power in this place, it's denizens cannot be harmed by mortals.
Try as you might, you may not be able to aid your friend.
Step 12 - Shadow Tear
Return to life and then go to the Emerald Dragonshrine in Dragonblight. To start the scenario click on the Shadow Tear.
/way Dragonblight 66.16 74.52
Scenario TLDR: /cheer at Uuna and then place a Cooking Fire next to her. The scenario begins and you will have to run into the Soul-Eaters to scare them away. Survive 3 minutes, and when Uuna wraps her arms around her you will have to /hug her.
Scenario - A Dark Place
Once inside the Dark Place, /cheer at Uuna.
Uuna says: Friend? Is that you?
Uuna says: I won't give up, friend! I promise!
Uuna says: I'm just so cold, and it's very dark here. I don't know what to do!
Now place a Cooking Fire next to her.
Uuna says: There you are! That's much better.
Uuna says: They're gonna be here, soon, friend.
Uuna says: I keep running and running... but they always find me.
Uuna says: But now you're here. Together we can fight them! I think...
Uuna says: Promise you won't leave me, friend. Even when it gets dark...
Uuna says: They're here...
Uuna yells: Go away! We're not afraid of you!
The scenario begins and you will have to run into the Soul-Eaters to scare them away. Make sure you completely run into their model and not just walk in front of them.
Survive 3 minutes, and when Uuna wraps her arms around her you will have to /hug her.
Uuna says: Friend? Are you still there? I'm scared!
Uuna says: I--I can't do it! I just wanna go home!
Uuna wraps her arms around herself and begins to cry.
As soon as you seen the last dialogue line, /hug Uuna!
Uuna says: F-friend, you're here! You didn't leave me!
Uuna says: Mama told me the Light would always find me. That's you, friend. You're my light!
Uuna says: And as long as my light is with me, there's no way the darkness can win!
Uuna says: My light is super strong!
Uuna says: I am ready. Let us begin the ritual.
Uuna says: The darkness is gone! I can see!
Uuna says: Oh, friend! We did it! We beat them!
Uuna says: What... what's happening?
Uuna says: The light... it's telling me to follow it...
Uuna says: Mama! Papa! They're waiting for me!
Uuna says: Wait a sec...
Uuna says: There's so much I never got to do. So many places I never got to see...
Uuna says: Is it okay if I stay with my friend? For just a little while longer?
Uuna says: Friend! The Light says I can stay! Woo-hoo!
Uuna says: Tell Mama and Papa I miss them, and... and I'll see them soon!
Uuna says: Okay, friend, let's get outta here! We have so many places to go!
Uuna hugs you.
If you fail the scenario, you can click the Shadow Tear to try again.
Uuna yells: Gaaahhh! No! Help!
Uuna is swallowed by darkness.
World Tour
Use the following script to track your progress:
/run local a={50140,50141,50142,50143,50144,50145,50146,50147}for i,q in ipairs(a)do print(format("Uuna World Tour %s: %s",i, C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q) and "\124cFF00FF00Done\124r" or "\124cFFFF0000Not Done\124r")) end
1 - Gate of the Setting Sun: /way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 8 59
You must be in the Mists of Pandaria version of Vale of Eternal Blossoms to trigger the dialogue. You can speak with Zidormi in the Seat of Knowledge to travel back through time.
Uuna says: Wow! That's the biggest wall I've ever seen!
Uuna says: What do you suppose they wanted to keep out?
Uuna says: Is it bugs? I bet it's bugs. Yuck! I hate bugs!
Uuna says: Ewwwww!!
2 - Nighthold: /way Suramar 62.2 83.8
Uuna says: Wow! That's gotta be the prettiest house ever!
Uuna says: Do you know who lives here? I bet it's a princess.
Uuna says: Do you wanna play princesses with me?
3 - Krasus Landing, Dalaran (Legion)
Uuna says: Whoa... a flying city! Are you serious?!
Uuna says: How does it do that?
Uuna says: Do you live here?
Uuna says: Come to think of it... do you live ANYwhere?
4 - Dragonblight: /way Dragonblight 57.8 54.3
Uuna says: Hey, what are those flying things? They're so pretty!
Uuna says: That's a big tower. It's like a... giant birdhouse!
Uuna says: But for lizard birds.
Uuna says: Can I have one for a pet?
5 - Mount Hyjal: /way Mount Hyjal 59 24
Uuna says: Friend, look! We're under a giant tree!
Uuna says: I wonder how many birds live in that tree. Must be so many!
Uuna says: Like... TEN birds!
Uuna says: Caw caw caw caw caw!
6 - Kun-Lai Summit: /way Kun-Lai Summit 44.8 52.5
Uuna says: I can see everything from here!
Uuna says: I didn't know mountains could go this high!
Uuna says: Don't fall off, friend! I'll be okay if I fall, but you'd go SPLAT!
Uuna says: So be careful, okay?
7 - Blackrock Mountain: /way Burning Steppes 17.8 31.4
Inside Blackrock Mountain: /way 37 67
Uuna says: Where are we? Why is it so smoky?
Uuna says: Look down there. It's all glowing!
Uuna says: But it's moving like water... it's a glowing lake?
Uuna says: That's really silly, friend.
8 - Temple of Karabor: /way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 70.65 46.55
Uuna says: It's... so beautiful...
Uuna says: My people are here! They survived!
Uuna says: They didn't all die on Argus?
As noted at the beginning of the guide, For this secret the reward is hugs, and the gratitude of a little girl. If you have completed her secret storyline, her appearance will also get updated with a doll, wand and flower crown.
Uuna says: Thank you SO MUCH for showing me this, friend!
Uuna says: You've shown me so many neat things. You really are the best friend ever!
Uuna says: I know someday I'll have to go back to Mama and Papa.
Uuna says: But... not yet.
Uuna hugs you.
Baa'l and the Waist of Time
This storyline must be completed in order to get Baa'l and the Waist of Time. Click on the images to learn more about these secrets.