Warlock Hidden Artifacts Appearances and Effects
This article will cover how to get the Hidden Artifact Appearances for Warlocks as well as elaborate what their hidden effects are.
Affliction Warlock
Affliction Warlock Hidden Artifact Appearance for Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester is called "Fate's End" and is unlocked via Essence of the Executioner.
Hidden Artifact Appearance
- You will need Grimoire of the First Necrolyte, which is a drop from Eredar Supplicants in Faronaar, Azsuna.
- Afterwards, you can begin the The Grimoire of the First Necrolyte quest which requires that you obtain 13 Skull of the Executed from Rare Humanoid Elites in the Broken Isles.
- Once you have obtained the 13 skulls, use them at the Executioner's Altar in Deadwind Pass to summon Sataiel, which drops the Essence of the Executioner appearance when defeated.
Hidden Artifact Effect
Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester Hidden Effect:
- Each time you kill enemies there is a chance to leave their souls behind.
Demonology Warlock
Demonology Warlock Hidden Artifact Appearance for Skull of the Man'ari is called "Thal'kiel's Visage" and is unlocked via Visage of the First Wakener.
Hidden Artifact Appearance
- To get this appearance you will have to kill Eredar on the Broken Isles and Argus. The items will drop in this order: Damaged Eredar Head, Deformed Eredar Head, Malformed Eredar Head, Deficient Eredar Head, Nearly Satisfactory Eredar Head and Visage of the First Wakener.
Hidden Artifact Effect
Skull of the Man'ari Hidden Effect:
- The weapon periodically speaks to the wielder.
Destruction Warlock
Destruction Warlock Hidden Artifact Appearance for Scepter of Sargeras is called "Legionterror" and is unlocked via The Burning Jewel of Sargeras.
Hidden Artifact Appearance
Demons summoned by the Ritual of Doom (Demonic Offering) have a chance to drop the appearance.
Hidden Artifact Effect
Scepter of Sargeras Hidden Effect: Unknown
- Certain Illidari NPCs will comment on the destructive power of your artifact.