Celebrate 14 Years of World of Warcraft!
WoW's 14th Anniversary has started! New to this year are the Overtuned Corgi Goggles which you can purchase for 200 Timewarped Badges. This toy will make all friendly NPCs appear as corgis, which can lead to some pretty funny moments.
- Check your mailbox for the Anniversary Gift! Inside the package you will find 200 Timewarped Badges and a Celebration Package.
- Historian Llore and Historian Ju'pa have daily quests that reward you with more badges, and several items from previous events for sale such as Exquisite Costume Set: "Edwin VanCleef", Corgi Pup, Bronze-Tinted Sunglasses and Inflatable Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
- The Dragons of Nightmare, Azuregos and Lord Kazzak have returned! They are on a daily lockout and drop 350 ilvl gear, which is great for new 120 characters.

Celebrate 14 years of World of Warcraft with us! Log in between now and November 30 to earn the WoW’s 14th Anniversary achievement, then check your mail for a special Anniversary Gift Package.
Inside the package you’ll find 200 Timewarped Badges, a Celebration Package item to increase experience and reputation gains by 14% for 1 hour, and a “Letter from the Timewalkers,” which will start a new quest leading you to either Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
In addition, questgivers Historian Llore and Historian Ju’pa will have two daily quests that give players a chance to earn additional Timewarped Badges either by answering World of Warcraft trivia or by defeating some familiar foes. Collectors will also have a chance to pick up a few pieces of classic loot from defeating them.
Players level 1–59 who didn’t get to complete last year’s letter from the Timewalker’s quest will still be able to receive and complete it.
Classic Bosses to Celebrate
It’s been 14 years since gates opened into Azeroth and the heroes of the Horde and Alliance began their journey of discovery and adventure. To celebrate this momentous occasion, some familiar foes have returned to Azeroth—with some slightly updated abilities. Players level 60 and above can take on Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, and one of the four Dragons of Nightmare each day for some loot and 50 Timewarped Badges.
New Vendor Item
In addition to all the many great items available for purchase, you’ll be able to use your badges to acquire a new item this year.
- New Toy! Overtuned Corgi Goggles: Change how you see the world around you when you use this new toy. While active, friendly NPCs will appear to be such good boys and girls all year round.
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who’s been a part of this adventure so far. You represent the best aspects of the Horde and the Alliance, and you inspire and motivate us every day. We’re looking forward to sharing many, many more adventures with you in the years to come.